RFD to PIXHAWK Harness

RFD to PIXHAWK Harness

Obsolete - Connector would come loose resulting in intermittent issues. PCB was designed to replace this harness.

For this test harness, the following datasheets were used RFDesign RFD900x and Pixhawk Baseboard Ports - Holybro Docs . Go to page 7 for RFDesign to check the pinout diagram. The PIXHAWK datasheet explains the ports and their corresponding pins.

RFD to Pixhawk Harness

Pin 4 and 6 on RFD should be shorted to ensure usb power can also power the unit.

The colours on the side represent the wire colours on the harness itself. MAKE SURE you follow these colours if you use this harness otherwise it will will be more confusing


Using a nice crimped housing!


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