Electrical Purchasing Guidelines

Electrical Purchasing Guidelines


This document gives context to for electrical members on how we generally purchase things. Some of this information is applicable to other subteams as well.

This is a very general set of guidelines for when it comes to purchasing materials and components for Electrical projects. When it comes to purchasing an item consider: quality, cost and convenience - in that order.

When it comes to big ticket items, always conduct research before purchasing. Seek out different distributors and alternative products. The first thing you see on Amazon is not what you should be buying.

For purchasing process please see Internal Purchase Protocol (ARCHIVE) .

Generic vs Brand Name


Generic refers to products that are marketed or sold by a company that is NOT recognizable or well established. These products are often marketed as alternatives to a product sold by a recognized brand name but at a reduced price. Generic does not necessarily mean a lower quality product.

Brand Name:

Brand name refers to products that are marketed or sold by a company that is well recognized or is seen as a leader in their respective industry.

Deciding Between Them

When faced with a purchasing decision, you often encounter a well-known brand-name product alongside its more affordable generic alternatives, a scenario frequently seen on platforms like Amazon. So, which option should you choose? While in many instances the choice may not matter, there are certain situations where it indeed makes a difference. This guide aims to outline those circumstances, aiding you in making informed purchasing decisions.

Products that have chemical compositions

These products either have a specific, advertised chemical composition or are relied on due to their chemical properties. For instance, Flux and Solder. Ultimately you get what you pay for! Only Brand Names should be purchased.


Only purchase solder manufactured by MG Chemicals and Kester. 60/40 solder or 63/37 are okay though the latter is more expensive.

Do not purchase generic solder because its chemical properties may not be as advertised - this could have an effect on solder joints and all around ease of use.


Expensive flux is expensive because it does its job and does it well. Different types of flux have certain properties such as not requiring to be cleaned after use. Chipquik SMD 291 is a No-clean required flux.


Equipment or tools that are to be relied on or used constantly should be considered as investments and thus an appropriate amount of money spent to purchase a high quality product.


Connectors should be from a Brand name and a trusted distributor. Especially if they are responsible for carrying high current.

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