Altium & Windows
As of 2023 & 2024 Altium is windows only so it does not work on apple or linux systems. This document is also somewhat applicable to any other software that does not support linux and mac. The options to use Altium (required for warg EE as of 2024) if u have one of these systems, some solutions are as follows:
Parallels Software
this seems to work out for people quite well
Solidworks via Mac ( Using SolidWorks on a Mac ) should extrapolate nicely for Altium
Use the WARG laptop and desktop
Works but inconvenient
Limited resource other subteams need as well
We are trying to get more laptops, for example: laptop selection f24
Note that being in our bay to use our laptop requires compliance with .
Buy a cheap windows laptop
Altium isnt very hard to run
Use a uwaterloo lab computer
Trick is you need to find a way to install altium
not sure if anyone has figured this out
Virtualize windows
Vms have poor performance
VMware Fusion Pro: Now Available Free for Personal Use - VMware Fusion Blog
Dual boot windows
May be difficult to setup in software
Apple has “parallels” which you may be able to get through uwaterloo
Remote into an external windows laptop with windows
requires you to have a windows computer somewhere