2025-2-2 Autonomy + Foam Plane Flight test

2025-2-2 Autonomy + Foam Plane Flight test

Admin Preparation

Requested By

@Yuchen Lin @Evan Janakievski @Maxwell Lou @Manasva Katyal

Goal Summary

test autonomy system, the detect target for IR beacons
perform first flight of foam plane for fixed wing pilot training



Desired Airframe

Houston & Foam Plane


Feb 2nd, 2025

Test plan

Flight Card 1

Detect target IR test

Pilot: @Manasva Katyal

GSO: @Jerry Tian

What is being tested?

  •  Detect target IR validation test and accuracy test

Hardware to be installed, items to bring, batteries, etc (change status to success when installed or plan for installing at flight test is done)

  • Houston Drone

  • 4x 3s batteries

  • IR camera (picamera) with IR bandpass filter

  • 2x IR Beacon

  • Measuring tape



Goals / Objectives

Knockoff criteria

  1. Setup

Get the script to run (either manually or auto start on bootup)

Script is not running

  1. Place and measure distance from drone power-on location to IR beacons

Know true value of the IR beacon location and home location. Use phone GPS to determine IR beacon locations as a backup.


  1. Hover above the IR beacons and fly a few passes at 5, 10, 15m altitude. (we are not doing 20m or above, the accuracy seems too low from previous flight tests)



 Flight Card 2

Foam Plane Pilot Training

Pilot: @Manasva Katyal @Jerry Tian

What is being tested?

  •  First flight of foam plane built over last couple of weeks

  • Purpose is for fixed wing pilot training

Hardware to be installed, items to bring, batteries, etc (change status to success when installed or plan for installing at flight test is done)

  • Foam Plane

  • 2x 3s batteries


Necessary Preparation

Explain what capacity you need, what needs to be mounted, etc.

Necessary items:

  • Houston Drone

  • Foam Plane

  • 6x 3s batteries

  • IR camera (picamera) with IR bandpass filter

  • 2x IR Beacon

  • Measuring tape


Flight characteristics needed:

  • Flight speed

  • GPS


Comms / Support needed:

  • Autonomous/repeatable missions


Mandatory Attendees

This is a section for all attendees from your subteam which will be present for this flight test. (because they are testing their products, or otherwise)


Phone #




Phone #



Yuchen Lin


Flight Test

  • coordination

Manasva Katyal


Flight Test

  • foam plane card coordination & piloting

Flightline Team


Phone #




Phone #



@Yuchen Lin




@Manasva Katyal








































Pre-Flight Checklists

  • Software configuration correct

  • UAV ground testing

  • ground acceptance review system under test

  • Mission plan clear

  • flightline roles assigned

  • Communication hierarchy established

  • Incident procedures & roles in-place & briefed to all flightline team members

  • Timeline for day-of clear

  • Battery charging plan, equipment management plan clear.

  • Transportation clear

  • Batteries in safety bag

  • Equipment

    • Zip tie

    • duck tape

    • label maker

    • Type c cable

    • ELRS Gemini

    • charged WARG laptop

    • controller box

      • two controller

      • battery tester


  • Debrief

  • clean / store equipment if necessary

Flight Test Timeline







10:00 am



11:00 am

Planned Departure


11:30 am

Arrived & Set Up


11:30 - 1:00

Huston IR Cam Test


1:00 - 1:30

Foam Plane Test

































Flight test debrief report


We didn’t bring Wrestrc key fob, calling the number on the gate let us in.


Card 1: Huston IR Cam (Pilot: @Manasva Katyal , GSO: @Jerry Tian )

1st flight : stablizing

  • Took off in Stabilise @ 11:52

  • Landed in Stabilise @ 11:52

  • Huston was drifting a fair amount in Stabilize mode, so switched to Loiter for future flights


2nd flight: test in loiter

  • Took off in loiter @ 11:54

  • Landed in loiter @ 11:55

  • Was much more stable, verified maneuverability before running IR cam test


3rd flight: 5m test w IR camera

  • Took off in loiter @ 11:56

  • Landed in loiter @ 12:00

  • Produced images from the IR camera were mostly white due to the snow. IR camera is not detecting just IR? Otherwise the cold snow should be black in the images.

  • Impossible to detect the IR beacons because whole image is white.

  • Perhaps look into better bandpass filter.. defer to @Tong Zhang @Maxwell Lou

  • Also, some images were corrupted (0 bytes)… reason unknown again deferred to Autonomy leads


time gap between flight 3, 4 is due to image analysis on @Evan Zhao 's computer

Tested IR camera functionality by taking pictures of people

4th flight: 10m test w IR camera round 2

  • Took off in loiter @ 12:32

  • Landed in RTL @ 12:34

  • Images again are too white to detect any IR beacons (pretty much same result as flight #3)

  • Corrupted images again…

  • Data merge worker died too, strangely

  • At the end went into battery failsafe and RTL’d

    • Current draw was very high due to RPI load + very cold temperatures


Additional Notes:

  • Near the end was getting quite hard to test due to very cold conditions (affecting battery, etc.)

  • TX16S kept going into emergency mode… not sure if this was due to cold or something else

  • 15m test was called off due to lack of image usefullness + very heavy snow



Card 2: Foam Plane Pilot Training

  • Were running into quite a few issues at this point (cold/snow/TX16s emergency mode)

  • Waited inside car for a fair bit to allow things to heat up

  • “Takeoff” & Crash @ 1:23

  • @Jerry Tian ran the plane with @Manasva Katyal as pilot, on launch noticed an immediate right yaw and roll. Correction inputs were put in quite quickly but had no effect.

  • Plane crashed nose first, and prop as well as a part of main fuselage.

  • Theory:

    • Servos are rated from 0C to 55C, temperature was -15C so were very sluggish in response

    • Also, might need more power, so perhaps add additional prop

    • Frankly takeoff speed was never enough… might need to look into a basic landing gear

    • Enjoy the video below


Main Takeaways:

  • Autonomy likely needs to look into IR cam/filter and worker dying issue more, or we need to test in a non-snowed environment.

  • Fixed wing pilot training may require some reworking.

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