Drone Research (Brielle)

Drone Research (Brielle)

Requirements to know:

  • Camera mounts (multiple?, gimbal?)

  • Batteries (how many batteries do we need/want? - do we want to fly for the full 30min?)

  • Grabber attachment - base should probably be at least 20cm diameter

  • What do we need to carry (sizes and weight of all electronics)


Basic drone information: How A Quadcopter Works Along With Propellers And Motors - DroneZon

Motor calculator: https://www.ecalc.ch/xcoptercalc.php


Number of rotors - http://www.dronefromchina.com/new/how-to-choose-the-UAV-from-4-rotor-6-rotor-8-rotor.html

4 rotors:

  • Cheapest/lightest

  • Can be smaller - min size around 362mm/14.25” frame size if using 10” props

  • If one rotor breaks then you will most likely crash

6 (and similar for 8):

  • Can carry more weight 

  • Larger - min size around 525mm/20.5” frame size if using 10” props

  • More redundant so should survive if 1 rotor break

What other teams have done:

Toronto's Drone (https://www.utat.ca/uas ):

UBC (https://www.ubco-aerospace.ca/ ):