To Do Design for Phoenix

To Do Design for Phoenix



Test dove tail strength LoW
Change bolt holes to accept inserts High@Aaron Dyck (Deactivated)
add wiring slots (instead of holes) and tabs for hook and loop MEdium@Julian Yam
Make frame and plates square (use shorter dimension), but make smaller bottom plate to go on the inside High@Julian Yam@Carly Alexandria Knibutat (Deactivated)


Size appropriately High@Brielle Chenier will talk to Anthony
Add motor mounting High@Julian Yam
Look into prop guard solutions High@Megan Spee


Size for battery MEdium@Brielle Chenier

Top Plate

Move wire through holes all the way to the corner (increased reparability) Medium@Aaron Dyck (Deactivated)

Bottom Plate

Add battery mounting High@Matthew Visser

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