2022-05-20 ZP3 Pre-Planning Notes


May 20, 2022


  • @Aidan Bowers (Deactivated)

  • @Daniel Puratich (Unlicensed)


  • Outline goals and schedule for tomorrows ZP3 Planning meeting

 Discussion topics

Tomorrow’s Timeline:

  • 10 - Intro (People introductions)

  • 2 - ZP overview (What is ZP, avoid history, ZP3 meeting structure)

  • 3 - non-debatable goal of ZP to be discussed from leads:

    • Fly fixed/heli/multirotor UAS safely in both piloted and autonomous modes legally

  • Everyone brainstorm features before the meeting, bring them in written down

    • 15 - Write down and group all ideas

    • 30 - filter features down to include what is in the scope of zeropilot and what is not, check against the goal

  • Requirements for ZP3 to implement these features

    • 15 - Brainstorm feature solutions / implementations (that inform ucontroller features)

    • 30 - filter solutions and ensure compliance with the goal

  • 10 - Sum solutions, come up with mcu specific requirements

    • 15 - Final check, are these requirements okay.

  • 10 - Timeline discussion

  • Done!

 Action items

@Aidan Bowers (Deactivated) validate goal with leads
@Daniel Puratich (Unlicensed) Make slide deck
@Daniel Puratich (Unlicensed) Announcement for poll attendance (online vs in person) and to tell people to review the zp docs and brainstorm solutions for tomorrow
@Daniel Puratich (Unlicensed) Ask sahil to book room for longer
@Daniel Puratich (Unlicensed) Ask about UBC attendance
