2024-05-15 SDC Meeting
The first team lead meeting for the Spring 2024 term will be held next Wednesday, May 15 at 3:30pm in E5-2004. If your team lead is unavailable please ask another member of your team to attend on their behalf.
@Daniel Puratich present
SDC Team Lead Meeting – May 15 – 3:30pm
maybe another one this term
we spedran this lol
Term contact information – Google sheet updates
team agreement form was done when each team was founded
shared google sheet now tracks this and will going forward
team lead is allowed to be on co-op
doesn’t need to be on campus
this is a small change I believe historically it was mentioned we needed an onsite team lead.
this list will be used and should remain active
Safety captain
should be a senior member of the team
safety captain needs to have some authority
Engineering Machine Shop - Rachel
Rachel is front of EMS
engineering.shop@uwaterloo.ca is best email for them!
give them notice in advance of large scale projects
for material sourcing or actual jobs
give them the whole picture of what we want to do so they can help us better
bring full picture to technicians!
can setup meetings with them to help set things up
they will have a dedicated review space to talk through the design with technicians
in the past they’ve been given useless jigs
they want us to understand their intended workflow with our projects
job request form
is old and out of date but is still being used
could come by beginning of term so nothing is lost in shop workflow
Finance update - Sarah
we can order packages directly to our bay
some teams were still ordering to 2001 room
if we place it ourselves send to 263 phillip street for central stores and not to 2001
central stores will deliver it to our place from central stores
put Sarah’s name and our team name so that it at least makes it to Sarah
put our name as well
Test track & drivers - Branca
she’s the contact to use test track and driver screening
Facilities update - Graeme
shared spaces
cleanup for composites, sanding and paint room by Graeme this term
ground the epoxy off the floor
will extend to welding and hv room
rooms have been used as a dumping ground
Graeme is going to empty the rooms every monday morning
if we leave anything there it will be thrown out on every tuesday
if something is curing or being worked on we need to put a sign on it
tools need to be returned to machine shop, they end up in the bays or shared spaces
painting room has a line on the floor, painting needs to be done in the painting bay not outside of it
safety office has concerns over uncontrolled manner of painting room
signing in and out of rooms
this is required by safety office, more strict control
will be implemented over time?
refill the vehicles, if we do short trips maybe like once every three home depot runs we should do it
once in a while get a free trip, once in a while a free trip
Branding of vehicles, trailers - update
not rlly happenning yet
Teertstra is working on this to make an interesting logo
Commercial Vehicle training course
three part trainning course
“truck trainning”
commentary: i think we dont need this, have aidan and nathan, not gonna bother
E5-2001 renovations - Teertstra
started as shared office space
then had computers, then removed them, that’s how its been for last three years
there’s a new plan for this and funding was approved
front area remains the same
back area turns into a design studio space
spaces for smaller teams, four spaces will be given to some of the smaller teams
will be a step up from teams with just a cage
wet lab space in back
for chemical experiment teams and biomed teams
Update on customs paperwork for teams travelling to the US
customs paperwork has changed a few times in last few months
this final solution is we don’t have to do anything, this seems like best solution
SDC paperwork form
proof of competition
list of truck and trailer stuff
take RV lane for truck bc the lanes are a lot wider
of course all students need personal travel documents
you may need to do visa waiver online, ESTA visa waiver
Photos from competition
espeacilly if we received giving tuesday money
they will do a giving report to donors of what we did with their money
we should send teerstra the photos
doesnt need to be from competition, just people doing interesting things
Branded items for loan from Engineering Events – tents, banners, etc.
10x10 tents, we have three of them
4x popup banners
we can email Teertstra or Graeme to get them
we share them with engineering events
Extra meeting spaces
there are other spaces, we cant be on our booking calendar, let Graeme and Teerstra know if we need an extra room
they have ones on FOBs
how to get added to team directory
Teertstra adds them once logo email website linkedin are all sent to him
july and august they reduce machien shop hours, does this impact teams
this affects rocketry bc they go to comp in august (and some other teams)
saturdays and evenings are both very useful, saturdays are preferred over evenings
most valuable evening is friday
design team hours are the exact opisote of normal people’s hours lol
Daniel’s Thoughts:
@Alison Thompson @Smile Khatri for machine shop stuff
@Emma Chan @Georgia Westerlund for waterloo branded stuff and photos for competition