Using the MAVLink Driver

Using the MAVLink Driver

Sending a Message

Messages can be sent to ArduPilot using functions with the send prefix. Some of them sends an instruction to ArduPilot and returns a MAVLinkACK_t struct that can be used to check ArduPilot’s ACK of the instruction.

Receiving a Message

Messages from ArduPilot can be received by calling receiveMessage. Then you can decide what to do with the message based on its type:

  • HEARTBEAT - a heartbeat message. This tells us that ArduPilot is still alive.

  • ACK - an ACK message in response to an instruction we sent. We can validate the ACK with checkMessageACK.

  • NAV_CMD_EXECUTED - a message notifying that a navigation command (vtol take-off, waypoint) has been executed.

Exchanging Heartbeats

ZeroPilot and ArduPilot must exchange heartbeats at 1Hz and no less than 0.2Hz to let each other know the sender is still alive.

MAVLinkMessage_t mavlink_message = {}; sendHeartbeat(); /* Do other stuff */ if (receiveMessage(mavlink_message)) { if (mavlink_message.type == MAVLinkMessageType::HEARTBEAT) { printf("Heartbeat received! (system status = %d)\n", mavlink_message.heartbeat.system_status); } }

Sending Instructions

We can send an instruction to ArduPilot and check for a corresponding ACK message from ArduPilot.

MAVLinkMessage_t mavlink_message = {}; MAVLinkACK_t expected_ack = sendArmDisarm(true); /* Arm the plane */ if (receiveMessage(mavlink_message)) { if (mavlink_message.type == MAVLinkMessageType::ACK && checkMessageACK(mavlink_message, expected_ack)) { printf("Arm instruction acknowledged!"); } }

Checking if a Navigation Command is Executed

We can check if navigation commands (vtol take-off, waypoint navigation) are executed by checking incoming NAV_CMD_EXECUTED messages and calling checkLastNavCmdExecuted. If we want to check a specific command out of all the commands we sent, the executed_nav_cmd_idx member in the message will tell us the exact index of the command.

MAVLinkMessage_t mavlink_message = {}; /* Take-off to 3 meters above ground */ MAVLinkACK_t expected_ack = sendVTOLTakeOff(3); if (receiveMessage(mavlink_message)) { if (mavlink_message.type == MAVLinkMessageType::ACK && checkMessageACK(mavlink_message, expected_ack)) { printf("Take-off command acknowledged!"); } } if (receiveMessage(mavlink_message)) { if (mavlink_message.type == MAVLinkMessageType::NAV_CMD_EXECUTED && checkLastNavCmdExecuted(mavlink_message)) { printf("Take-off command executed!"); } } /* Navigate to (100,100,5) with an acceptable radius of 2 meters*/ expected_ack = sendWaypointNav(100, 100, 10, 2); if (receiveMessage(mavlink_message)) { if (mavlink_message.type == MAVLinkMessageType::NAV_CMD_EXECUTED && mavlink_message.executed_nav_cmd_idx == 1) { printf("Take-off command executed! Command index = %d", mavlink_message.executed_nav_cmd_idx); } }


Function List

/* Send a heartbeat message to sync with ArduPilot. This needs to be done * at ideally 1Hz and no less than 0.2Hz. */ void sendHeartbeat(); /* Set initial config parameters. This needs to be done before flight. */ MAVLinkACK_t sendInitialConfigs(); /* Arm (arm=1) or disarm (arm=0) the plane. */ MAVLinkACK_t sendArmDisarm(const bool arm); /* Change the flight mode of the plane. * * Plane flight modes we should use: * - PLANE_MODE_AUTO * - PLANE_MODE_GUIDED * - PLANE_MODE_QLOITER * - PLANE_MODE_QLAND * - PLANE_MODE_QSTABILIZE */ MAVLinkACK_t sendFlightModeChange(const PLANE_MODE flight_mode); /* Do a VTOL take-off. The plane must be in AUTO mode. */ MAVLinkACK_t sendVTOLTakeOff(const float altitude); /* Add a waypoint to navigate. The plane will consider the waypoint reached when it's * within acceptable_range of the waypoint. The plane must be in GUIDED mode. */ MAVLinkACK_t sendWaypointNav(const float x, const float y, const float z, const float acceptable_range); /* Clear all missions, including VTOL take-off and waypoint navigation. */ MAVLinkACK_t sendClearMissions(); /* Receive a message from ArduPilot. */ bool receiveMessage(MAVLinkMessage_t& mavlink_message); /* Check an ACK message against an expected ACK results. */ bool checkMessageACK(const MAVLinkMessage_t mavlink_message, const MAVLinkACK_t expected_ack); /* Check if the last navigation-type command is executed */ bool checkLastNavCmdExecuted(const MAVLinkMessage_t mavlink_message); /* Returns the index of the last navigation-type command (UINT16_MAX if none sent) */ uint16_t getLastNavCmdIdx(); /* Constructor */ MAVLink(UART_HandleTypeDef* uart_handle);

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