Some questions

Some questions

For preliminary stuff



  • Where can I find all the 

    • pinouts and configs? 

    • Clock speeds


For the things that have drivers, how can you test them? I know to use breakpoints, but when I load the executable to the board, should values just be automatically passed into memory as I move around the sensors?


 Also a breakpoint is a paused point in the execution, so for something like an IMU that needs to be moved around to be tested, how to do so? 


Also, how does one test an individual driver/sensor without the whole ZP3 system having to work?


RC Link antenna and receiver:

  • Where can I find the wiring diagram & pins on STM32? 

  • What is the model/Is the datasheet good?

  • There’s no TBS crossfire driver. So how do I test the receiver?



  • How do I pair it with the receiver and use it? 

  • Where’s the place/who’s the person to learn the controls from?


BMX 160:

  • Theres no driver for this in the ZP3, so how do I test it?

  • Where is wiring info? 


ESC’s (ones on the Phoenix)?

  • Do i need to test the software for these? What is the ZP3 side software for these?

  • Should I just use an external motor tester? Does the tester require the PDB and battery set up?

  • Where is wiring info?

  • Is testing just seeing that the motor spins when a PWM signal is sent to ESC?



  • Where is the wiring info?

  • I probably don’t have to test this, right?



  • I know that I have to talk to someone about safety stuff. Anything else I should do regarding battery?


As for when tuning starts:

  • How do I go about adding the missing/incomplete drivers from ZP3 before tuning?