Telemetry Manager (2023)

Telemetry Manager (2023)

 Problem Statement

Integration with ground station tools such as Mission Planner. This will allow for both visual real-time telemetry monitoring and sending commands via Mission Planner (Think waypoints and such).


👇 Mission Planner 👇



Milestone 2

GOAL: Stream GLOBAL_POSITION_INT & ATTITUDE messages to the ground station to be displayed on Mission Planner.

TM Will:

  1. Drone to Ground Station Communication via RFD 900 Radio

    1. RX

      1. Receive raw MAVLink bytes from the ground station.

    2. TX

      1. Transmit raw MAVLink bytes from the ground station.

  2. Encode & Decode Raw MAVLink Data

    1. Encode

      1. Into Mavlink bytes to send to Mission Planner transmitted via RFD 900

    2. Decode

      1. Decode raw Mavlink bytes received from Mission Planner, received via RFD 900.

  3. Ingest Drone State Data (Lat, Lng, Velocity, Pitch, etc) via C++ references

    1. Should these references be passed at TM instantiation?

    2. Is there a finite list of drone state data TM will be ingesting?

    3. Sample rate?

  4. TM will communicate with other managers via [UNDEFINED COMMUNICATION MEDIUM]: Maybe for TM, this should go in M3?

    1. ROS LCM?

    2. Byte Streams?

    3. MQTT Style?

  5. TM will have an input/output testing strategy

    1. ?

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