3/21/2022 Meeting Minutes

  • Member


Action Items



  • Member


Action Items



@Kevin Li





@Daniel Puratich (Unlicensed)

  • Supported Neel & Kevin with Nav Lights




@Kiran Surendran





@Jason Skells





@Muhammad Tanveer





@Darwin Clark

  • Nothing in-person

  • Finished spreadsheet and reviewed with ethan. Spent time today sourcing components, and through most of passives, saving MOSFET’s for last

  • ZP Assembly?

  • Finish buck converter design

  • Verify FWTraining board validation



@Seungmin Hong


  • Update current sense resistor to handle 160A



@Ethan Abraham





@Jatin Mehta





@Kevin Song

  • Met with Neel in person on Sunday and finalized Nav Lights PCB design, schematic, and generated gerber files

  • Discuss next steps with Daniel and Neel



@Neel Bullywon

  • Met with Kevin on Sunday and finished the Nav Lights PCB. Finalized the design and generated the gerber files.

  • Meet with Daniel online on Monday with Kevin to check over the design etc.