11/29/2022 Meeting Minutes


Goals from last meeting


Action Items


Goals from last meeting


Action Items

@Daniel Puratich

  • Supporting ZP3 and other projects

  • Supporting ZP3 and other projects

  • Supporting ZP3 and other projects

  • RFC Power Architecture

  • Risk Analysis Form

@Ethan Abraham

  • ZP3

  • Compare ZP3 inventory with what we have ordered & ZP3 BOM

  • Provide guidance to buck converter projects

  • Drone power architecture

  • Power architecture meeting

  • Compare ZP3 inventory with what we have ordered & ZP3 BOM

  • Get components procurement order out by this weekend

@Anthony Bertnyk




@Darwin Clark


ZP3 Dev Interface

  • Sourcing

    • 1x6 Female Conn

    • 1x5 Female Conn

  • Sch

    • New orientation for labels

    • Broken out all pins to headers with power connectors justification

    • Added power headers

Below are reasonable expecations before next meeting

  • Sourcing

    • BJT XOR MOSFET for inidcator LEDS

    • Small resistors for indicator LEDs

  • Sch

    • Add indicator LEDs

@Neel Bullywon



@Nolan Haines




@Muhammad Tanveer




@Jennifer Yun




@Michael Botros

  • Finish inductor selection, potentially capacitor selection.



@Steven Wang

  • making components on Altium

  • review??

