11/15/2022 Meeting Minutes


Goals from last meeting


Action Items


Goals from last meeting


Action Items

@Daniel Puratich

  • Supporting ZP3 and other projects

  • Supporting ZP3 and other projects

  • Supporting ZP3 and other projects

@Ethan Abraham

  • 3 unique DRC errors left to resolve

  • Refine silk screen, traces, and placement

  • Via stitching

  • Final review with Kevin and Sahil

  • Update all generic res and cap footprints to adhere to IPC standards

  • Fix layout to pass DRC with footprints changes

  • Fix curved traces and make routing cleaner

  • Fix silk screen to pass DRC

  • Via stitching

  • Review from Kevin/Sahil

  • Make procurement order for our p-channel, Muhammad’s components, and Michael’s ICs

@Anthony Bertnyk

  • Continue VN crimping

  • Bother other subteams asking for EE work



@Darwin Clark

  • Start on ZP3 dev interface schematic

  • Started on ZP3 dev interface

    • Sourced adhesive breadboard

    • Set up schematc pages and layout

  • Concept Drawings for layout stage

  • Source 2.45mm headers

@Neel Bullywon

  • Working asynchronously and adding research to the doc

  • Added updated research on confluence



@Nolan Haines

  • Consolidate my notes and put them in the doc

  • Continue research



@Muhammad Tanveer

  • Review from Kevin and Sahil

  • Documentation on Confluence

  • Finalized Schematic

  • Implemented/looking into feedback from Kevin and Sahil

  • Start PCB layout

  • Being documentation on Confluence

  • Update procurement list

@Jennifer Yun




@Michael Botros

  • Finish more detailed documentation/reasoning for IC in Atlassian. Begin selection of components for board

  • Didn’t do much documentation updates. Began resistor selection for Buck Converter

  • Continue part selection and update confluence alongside

@Steven Wang

  • start on make componets for the boost converter on Altium

  • finish boost coverter ic circut

  • looking into USB input and multiple voltage output

  • not much, rough week

  • start on make componets for the boost converter on Altium

  • finish boost coverter ic circut

  • looking into USB input and multiple voltage output