Pre Competition Briefing and Q&A
Attendees: @Megan Spee @Nathan Green @Anthony Luo @Aidan Bowers (Deactivated) @R D (Deactivated) @Ethan Abraham @Hamza Ali @Ayoung Eun
@Dhruv Upadhyay pre-meeting
13:00 Sync
Meeting goals
Arrive at 6 and aim to leave at 6:30 - all packing should be complete tonight
Packing from after this meeting
Sub-team leads or associates make lists for whatever items they need. Organized items on the google sheet:
priority items in 1 pile, med in another, ‘haven't touched in 3 months’ in another pile
red toolchest for priority items
other boxes for medium
tote bins etc for low priority
Pack everything before 6pm - Graeme has to check the trailer before 5pm (after this meeting)
Using similar boxes for things to pack - ideally more durable than a cardboard box, use cases when possible. things that are delicate → don’t want them to be crushed
Soldering stations, things that are set up externally, go in larger storage like bottom drawer or other bins. Common use tools are in drawers
Use appropriate sized toolbox, LABEL IT, don’t leave things half empty
Flight line box - fill at comp or fill pre-comp?
pack things that are confirmed to be leaving the box at comp (soldering station?). Will fill this at comp with flight line items
Delicate items tote
props and batteries things that should not be destroyed
Battery safe? Lipo bags instead?
Packing desktop. Must be put somewhere safe, packed with whatever - or just taking the GPU out. via Xierumeng
Bring trash bags - large
Each person gets a backpack and 1 carry-on size luggage
@Hamza Ali emailing shared with Will download as PPTX.
Presentation points to narrow down/ discuss in transit tomorrow + thursday.
Points to push for icarus
Sleek transit option
Lots of capacity, people or cargo
Battery powered efficient
Sensing and autonomy
Wings are removable so it can fit into smaller spaces
Variable cargo – wing spar slides
Configurable LEDs for nighttime operations
not technical! business pitch!
Presenters:?) to be decided based on content and pitching concepts discussed in car rides
Can opt out of presentation
Presentation to be submitted Thursday midday
Wear any warg merch on top (hoodie, either black or grey, or comp t-shirt)
pants: normal looking pants, either monochrome or like normal jeans, ideally no rips
At comp, 5 people can be on the field at the same time, BUT you can ROTATE people off and on the flight line. Off the flight line people can still walk around and take photos
Can figure out a final list at comp depending on needs at the day
someone at comp should be media management - videos, photos, uploading and handled, posting to instagram
Sponsored equipment - take photos of this. And the drone
Have all of the media uploaded so someone not at comp (@Alison Thompson?) can get to editing them and clipping them together for content recap
Radios between flight line and sidelines
radios can occur during flight time but not prep
template as much as possible. Due 90 mins after flight window.
Word document - onedrive
WHEN WE GET THERE, need to decide whether primary workplace is at the competition premises or at the hotel.
towels exist at the hotel by asking the front desk - at Quebec City
Service des congrès et hébergement Campus Notre-Dame-de-Foy to Alma
Engineering 7 (E7) to Service des congrès et hébergement Campus Notre-Dame-de-Foy
Open Questions
How will pictures on the flight line be taken?
How much luggage room is there?
1 suitcase (carry on) + backpack per person.
What aircraft are we taking
Driving intsr, detours, etc.
places / times where we can stop & run autotune
example from last yr: Travel Plans
How much WARG equipment to bring?
see packing
Hotel rooms @ comp? (did we send the e-mail)
Hamza sending email now
Phone numbers / contact info (see last years pinned message)
yes will be depositied
do not leak
MAKING CHECKLISTS!! - before flightline, at line, pre-flight, post-flight, ASSIGN PEOPLE RESPONSIBLE. don’t need to go ham but use them. multiple checklists but more QTY checklists.
FLIGHT LINE ROLES + responsible members for each thing: bolts tight, prop clearance, software monitoring, etc. Relevant leads or experts
How are we loading the vehicles
Tag All equipment?
General weekend rules
camera with @Hamza Ali
Briefs every morning and evening
Before you leave in morning, after dinner ideally
Action items
move everything to confluence
google maps destination locations - program in waypoints @Hamza Ali into google maps to post as links. Give 1-2 options of stop locations. should have drinkable water, washroom, all that stuff. See in 2023 Travel Plans or the 2022 version
get Graeme to check the trailer hook now @Anthony Luo
Packing things up - lay things out along the hallway. label or tape with WARG
@Anthony Luo get your SD card out of your room