Fixed Wing 2025


  • High Level Specs

    • ~4.5 ft wingspan

    • ~ 5 kg

    • 6S Battery Voltage

      • ~1.1kg of batteries, two 6S packs in parallel

    • Modular wings, modular fuselage

    • Dual flight controller mount

      • support pixhawk and ZP3 mount on the CG as flight controller

  • Primary purpose

    • learning how to design fixed wings

  • Secondary purposes

    • Custom battery long term? Could be saved for VTOL depending on EE interest​

    • flight testing bench for EE and EFS new CAN architecture. ​

    • testing EFS milestones milestones​ M2 and M3

    • testing EE ZP3 hardware designs

  • What it is

    • not expensive

    • not expensive composites

  • Frames

    • One for mech

    • One for EFS

  • What this isn’t

    • It will just be a more advanced foam plane than we’ve built in the past.

    • This won’t be composites

Related Resources


Electrical Components

Electronics System Diagram

Electronics Placement Diagram

