VTOL Scheming

VTOL Scheming

(Just some misc stuff by @Ishman Mann )

Some practical stuff

Common eVTOL types:










Things I recall from comp

VTOL motor power draw is high, especially under headwind

  • One solution is what Carleton did with its raised/triangle rear stabilizer on their craft, “Apogee“, decreasing wind effects and making the line centre of mass angled. The rear motor did not have to do as much. 

  • Side note: Guy from Lockheed mentioned that winged mode flight requires a forward center of mass to prevent pitching backwards










Example Lift + Cruise or tilt rotor concepts and Electrical Archs

Idea 1

  • the horizontal motor draws a lot of power, and we can minimize its current draw and stress on the system by using a 12S.

    • Seen as it wont stress the system as much, maybe step down from a single 12S (option 2 in diagram) is viable? Definitely need to look into this

  • 6S are used with the vertical motors to save weight. They don’t need as high a power output and are mainly only needed during takeoff and landing

  • Some kind of encoder or hall effect sensor + controller (on or apart from the ESC) will set the position of the vertical motors when transitioning into cruise mode

  • I’m thinking two rudders on the square/triangle shaped tail of the craft.

    • Not sure whether we need elevators on the tail because I don’t know how necessary pitch control is for a VTOL.

      • Maybe the rear 2 6S motors can provide needed pitch?

      • Maybe the rudders can be angled to somewhat control pitch?

  • Topologies that use 2 or 3 vertical motors instead of 4 are yet to be considered…








Other Ideas (list, arch tbd). Implementation difficulty be damned, a later problem.

  • come up with some mech soon that allows the horizontal prop to need lower rpm, some kind of cone or something

  • Have only 4 props, but the front 2 are angled back and the rear 2 are angled forward. The 2 rear props operate on their own when in cruise mode. - likewise, could also only be 3 props total.

  • 4 or 3 prop tilt rotor. Rear props only tilt.

  • 4 prop tilt rotor. All props tilt.

  • 2 prop tilt rotor, short fuselage

  • 2 prop tilt rotor, long fuselage

  • Folding wings










Some sci-fi inspiration


  • StarCraft Viking and its folding wings







  • Halo Hornet, Wasp, Pelican (all tilt-rotor)









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