Interfacing with RFD 900x and Nucleo
As of now, the drone will use RFD 900x modems to allow bidirectional communication from drone to Ground Station - one placed on drone and the other connected to Ground Station PC. Nucleo microcontroller will allow communication between Ground Station PC and tracking antenna system.
RFD 900x
RFD 900x are modems that can communicate over 40 km and support serial communication with 2 RP-SMA connectors. They allow for communication between drone and Ground Station PC similar to a wired serial connection.
Nucleo Boards
STM32 Nucleo boards are microcontrollers with support for hardware add-ons. Micropython is supported for many Nucleo boards (listed here) if interfacing with Nucleo boards with python necessary. UART will be used for communicating with Nucleo board.
Ground Station
RFD 900x modem at Ground Station can connect to Ground Station PC with a jumper to USB connection to configure RFD and connect to Mission Planner.
Next Steps
Find a module that allows for interfacing with RFD 900x similar to
Update CommsInterface class to use RFD 900x rather than XBees
Other Findings: (library for control and config, although not documented)
RFD 900x Config Tutorial: