Crash Damage Report

Crash Damage Report

This page lists all of the (electrical) hardware that was damaged in the crash.

The entirety of the frame can be considered totaled (some hardware such as bolts may be reusable, but a new air frame will need to be completely assembled)

Summary of damage caused by the crash can be found here

  • Motor 1 ESC (FMU port 2 / Forward right) had its capactor ripped out, and the + XT60 connector to the PDB ripped out of the XT60 harnessing

  • Motor 1 phase wires have lots of cuts on 2 of the wires that are outside of the fuselage

  • Motor 1 has minimal surface damage, slightly crunchy, has a dent on the top bell

  • Motor 3 ESC Jumper headers are bent to a 30-45°. Bottom half of Motor 3 is fucked, no longer spins. Capacitor is fine tho

  • Motor 4 ESC's phase wires must have gotten so hot, that the hot glue on them literally seem to have melted off

  • The jumper connectors for Servos E1 and R2 were fully disconnected at the first extension, not sure if this was done intentionally or if ripped out from impact

  • Motor 2's mounting surface has been scratched moderately. It's not impeding motor quality, but might be something to take into consideration for the future

  • Some zip ties are excessively tight, vibration during flight has the potential to cut through some high gauge wires like signal wires

  • Motor 4 looks good

  • Motor 4 has clear liquid between the aluminum mounting and the motor base. Unlikely to be loctite, since we would predict it to be blue in that case.

  • Motors 2, 4, 5 were all mechanically sound in terms of mounting, ESCs and operationally (obviously need to do more motor testing)

  • PDB 5V and 12S out seem to not be giving any voltage








Motor 1

Motor casing, does not spin


Motor 3

Motor Bell, spins unevenly, phase wire chewed up


Motor 3 ESC - Untested

Capacitor disconnected from pcb

Unknown? est. $2

Various cables and connectors

Connector pin damage. Connector locking mechanism damage, wires partially cut

est. $10


5v and 12v outputs non-functional. Preliminary investigation shows resistor damage.


Servo Motor (1)

No longer functions, draws power but does not move





Hardware tested and validated to be fully functional includes:

  • Motors 2,4,5

  • ESCs 2,3,4,5

  • Pixhawk

  • Power monitor & buck converter

  • 4/5 servos

  • GPS

  • RFD900x