May 6th, 2023, Icarus as a Quad

May 6th, 2023, Icarus as a Quad

Make sure to update the Title following the format “Jan 01, 2020 Flight Test”

 Flight Preparation

Requested by:

Comp Team

Requested Date

May 6, 2023

Location and Time

CED Alma, QC

Summary & Goals

Test Icarus as a quad



 Required Persons During Test


Phone #




Phone #



Anthony Luo


Pilot in Command

  • Aircraft preparation

  • Filling out documentation

Megan Spee


Secondary Pilot & mech


Aidan Bowers


Flight Engineer


Nathan Green


Flightline personnel


Conall Kingshott




Ethan Abraham




Morning of // arrival

Start battery charging:
all 6s
5s for video tower
controller batteries
groundstation laptop battery
goggle batteries
Telemetry / Video towers assembled
Populate flight test box:
extension cables for laptop
allen keys (M5 & M3)
velcro/zip ties
Battery harness
6s batteries
USB-C cable
Battery tester
Check airframe wiring
Flight Modes

1-hr before flight window

Mission briefing (roles, responsibilities, goals, etc). @9
Flight test box populated & batteries all fully charged
Check sensor health
CG Check with batteries
Props on.
Motor / prop direction check
Control rods/horns intact
Landing gear healthy
Flight line equipment
flight test box
controller box
2 controllers w/tracer
video box
annis hardcase
2 goggles
telem / video towers
wings (plugs in place temporarily)

Pre-Flight checklist

Antenna towers setup & wired, weighted down if necessary
Inspect to ensure there is no signs of swelling, external leaking or other defects
Battery wiring and connectors from the battery are connected securely
Batteries (and spares) are adequately charged
Wires are not pinched
check GPS receiving signal(s)
leading/trailing edges
top/bottom surfaces
Read of wing and all flight control surfaces for freedom of movement, security and any skin damage
Inspect top and bottom of air frame arms for cracks, loose parts, or signs of damage
Propellers / Rotors
Ensure propeller is secured
Check for nicks, chips or cracks
Ensure prop direction is correct

Flight Window checklist

Autopilot orientation correct
Check control surface response in FBW_(blank)_
VTX Transmit power set
RFD900 Telem Cable connected
Control Station / Receivers / Transmitter
The battery and spare batteries if required are adequately charged
Control Station device and cables are properly connected and functioning
video receive clear
link quality good
All flight interfaces are functioning normally
Flight modes & Controller mappings
Control surfaces
Ensure Elevator moves correctly
Ensure Ailerons move correctly
Ensure Rudder moves correctly
Controller channels function as expected.
check trainer settings.
Good visibility and safe wind speed
Surrounding is free of obstacles
Crew far from drone
General Site Survey
Are there other people on the property?
Are there other aircraft.




On-site kit together
Ground station / Laptop
Antenna / Receivers
Extra Water
Power cords / Extension cables
Allen keys
Zip/Velcro ties
Safety goggles
Fire extinguisher
Spare foam
hot glue gun w/ hot glue stick
Airfame assembled
ESCs/flight controller wired
Radio equipment tested
Channel mappings
Flight modes
Motors tested
Wiring secured (Harnessing)
End-to-end test (neglecting props)
Check the center of gravity
All components not on the airframe that are required should be in the flight box (e.g. props & prop nuts)
Airframe payload
Spare parts
Airframe components (landing struts, arms, etc)
wings nuts
prop nuts
any detached components such as angle mount
props for other aircrafts such as Houston
Hardware to assemble these components
Flight controllers
Flight Code Flashed
Ground station Software updated

Pre-Departure Checklist

Take the WREST RC entrance card
Grab Pre-departure Items
Battery charger and associated cables(30tx to 60tx)
Check battery status
Charge if required, otherwise place into flight box
Systems test
Check flight controller orientation
Check motor spin & rotation direction
Check transmitter mappings
Verify communication links (VTX/RX, Controller, Groundstation)
Verify the mission planner is logging data
Only attach props directly before flight (keep off at all other times)
Get snacks
Mission Briefing
Read the flight plan to the team (that was made a week ago)
Purpose of flight
Plan of action
Success criteria
Delegate and brief on flight line roles
Safety Briefing
Key flight characteristics to observe
Key system characteristics to observe
Measurements to be made

Pre-flight Safety Checklist

Air Frame
Check all antennas, ensuring they are secure and in good condition
Check the battery emplacement and secure attachment and ensure there are no cracks
Check that all lights are operating normally
Check that all sensors are secured and clear of any obstructions
Check that the GPS is receiving satellites and providing a navigation solution
For fixed wing aircraft, Check:
Wings, ensuring they are securely attached to fuselage
Wing leading edge surfaces
Top and bottom of wing surfaces
Wing tip surfaces
Read of wing and all flight control surfaces for freedom of movement, security and any skin damage
For rotary aircraft:
Inspect top and bottom of air frame arms for cracks, loose parts, or signs of damage
Check fluid levels and ensure no leaks if applicable
Control Surfaces
Ensure Elevator moves correctly
Ensure Ailerons move correctly
Ensure Rudder moves correctly
Landing Gear
Check landing gear is secure
Inspect skids or wheels, especially attachment points
Power plant
Cowling or motor casing
Security of engine mounts
Presence of any cracks
All wiring and connectors, ensure no cracks, loose connectors, or chaffing
Propellers / Rotors
Ensure propeller is secured
Check for nicks, chips or cracks
Ensure prop direction is correct
Inspect to ensure there is no signs of swelling, external leaking or other defects
Battery wiring and connectors from the battery are connected securely
Batteries (and spares) are adequately charged
Wires are not pinched
Control Station / Receivers / Transmitter
The battery and spare batteries if required are adequately charged
Control Station device and cables are properly connected and functioning
All flight interfaces are functioning normally
Good visibility and safe wind speed
Surrounding is free of obstacles
Crew far from drone
General Site Survey
Are there other people on the property
Ground Recording / drone footage on
Control surfaces respond to autopilot in the correct manner
Transitions between flight modes have expected effect
Return-to-home systems, if present, have been configured

Post-Flight Checklist





Use Flight-Post Mortem to Debrief


Discard of damaged batteries


Discharge used batteries for better longevity


Flight Test Post Mortem

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RCA for Red Items

Create a RCA and keep it as a child page.

Action Items

Other Resources

Booking WRESTRC Field



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