Materials Research (On Progress)

Materials Research (On Progress)

Research on 3D Prints, Composites with mold, Foam, and Balsa Wood.



Resistance Properties



Resistance Properties

Expanded Polyolefin (EPO) - Foam

  • Light type of foam

  • Stiff and tougher than EPS

  • Can be molded to be quite smooth

  • In case of a crash, the foam will compress and if there is enough force, it will break along in the weakest areas

  • If the crash is not severe, the parts can be easily glued back together

Expanded Polypropylene (EPP) - Foam

  • A flexible type of foam

  • Slightly heavier than EPO

  • Almost indestructible

Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) - Foam

  • Normally used for packaging

  • Contains ~95-98% air


Balsa Wood

  • Incredibly lightweight properties

  • Decently rigid and easily cut wood

  • Used to build frames, wings, and tail

  • Extreme care needed while using for construction

  • Significant crashes result in a complete loss

Blow Mold Plastic

  • This involves a closed mold process where a semi-molten plastic is blown and then cooled in order to retain the mold’s shape

  • The result is a durable hollow shell

  • Most used to create the fuselage

  • Can withstand low force impacts and tends to dent as opposed to shatter

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