Mechelec - Motor, Battery, Props

Mechelec - Motor, Battery, Props

ICARUS power system discussion. Mostly via flight test results for prototypes.

Dec 4, 2022 Flight Test


via @Nathan Green , @Anthony Luo

  • The batteries we already have in series is a good plan, they’re 60C so should have more than enough amps of output. Going the 18650/21700 route might result in more power density (~20 - 30% more), but more cost/effort

Though with the batteries we have we should decide if we need all four (2 series, 2 parallel) or just two. 2s2p is solid.


Batteries: 2s 2p with the current ones (dont remember what we have in the bay)

Push: HobbyKing Propdrive 5060 270KV (6s) – 12s upgrade?
Lift: T-Motor MN5008 (6s) – (LIKELY UPGRADE to T-Motor V505, 12s)

Push: APD 120 F3 (12s dshot)


Motors comparison excel sheet


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