06/30/2022 Meeting Notes

06/30/2022 Meeting Notes







Project Phoenix (mini drone)

  • Phoenix updated on grabCAD so that all sides of the body are the same length and there are slots instead of holes for the wires. @Julian Yam

  • Mounting holes on the base are not accurate. We need to fit three boards in the body of Phoenix.

  • 1st board: IMU

    • from requirements:
      This board needs to be mounted unidirectionally. There will be a mounting bracket for the IMU, there needs to be mounting holes for this bracket. This board needs to be mounted in the center of the drone.

  • 2nd board: Nucleo 32,64,or 144

    • These mounting holes can be found on their respective spec sheets

    • Nucleo needs spacers from the base plate as this board has pins that stick out from the bottom.

  • 3rd Board: Motor controller

    • Mounting pattern can also be found on spec sheet

    • Preferably this board is mounted in the center so that all wires are equal length.

  • Frame drop test

  • Mounting holes need to be updated to fit the boards

    • How is this going to be done? Since some of the boards need to be mounted in the center of the drone, can the board still be mounted on the bottom plate? Do the boards need to be stacked? Do the boards need to mounted vertically?

  • Mounting bracket for IMU needs to be designed

    • Find IMU dimension online or take dimensions in person

  • redesign dovetail and arm

    • using wood board instead of MDF

    • look into alternative material

    • shorten the arm length

    • redesign dovetail dimensions based on the wood board thickness

  • spacer design ideas

    • theaded rods and caps

    • 3D printed part??

  • lazer cut new landing gear

  • battery mouting holes

GrabCAD Organization



3D printer

