2023-01-16 Meeting Notes (1)




  • @Conall Kingshott

  • @Megan Spee


  • Update the group on progress of various projects

  • Review Deadlines

  • Allocate tasks

 Discussion topics










Introductions (leads again?)




Competition Frame updates (go through list below)

@Megan Spee

  • H-Frame complete

  • Wings complete

  • Cabin in progress (@Emma-Lee Keeping )


Confluence tour

@Megan Spee













Body cylinder

@Emma-Lee Keeping


panel made, might re-make for final drone. good enough for prototype

using XPS pink foam for stiffeners instead of CF sheets

solves camera issue - can attach to foam. discussed w/ @Aidan Bowers (Deactivated)

briefing for CV

Jan 28

Cabin-frame mounting

@Emma-Lee Keeping

@Conall Kingshott

@Conall Kingshott needs to get this done → likely Jan 21/22

solution: cut out whatever hole you need and dremel it?

may redesign mounting brackets to eliminate need for slots

Jan 28

Foam nosecone & tailcone

@Emma-Lee Keeping


this exists - 2 of them
body filler on, a bit

on track

Jan 28

Avionics bay

@Emma-Lee Keeping


mold exists

body filler on

Jan 28

Landing gear

@Alison Thompson

@Conall Kingshott

standoffs exist
Parts printed for joints
skid parts in progress, will talk to machinists
alternatives to press fit

Jan 28

ZP3 Case

@Andrew Wright

@Ethan Abraham @Nathan Green

communicate w/ elec for this.

  • heat, ventilation capabilities

  • sizing, standoffs

  • ports and clearance

design starting

Feb 16

IMACS communication tower

@Andrew Wright

@Nathan Green

@Alison Thompson

@Ryan Chan


@Megan Spee
@Nathan Green

1 tower is in progress (1.3 GHz) - rotation, needs sensors and different rotation solution

2nd tower - rotation, larger antenna, need to source more parts (gears and mounting)

Mid March?

Thrust testing rig

@Andrew Wright

@Conall Kingshott , @Megan Spee

@Joshua Perry insight for thrust testing rig setup

Not Urgent

Cabin interior

@Vishal Jayakumar

@Conall Kingshott @Joshua Perry

Seats & Seatbelts

  • seatbelt material, look at alternatives to theraband

  • sturdier seat mounting points

  • different seatbelt shapes, rollercoaster setup


  • lightweight PLA

Mar 6

Rudder papering

@Andrew Wright

@Megan Spee @Conall Kingshott

@Megan Spee debrief


Jan 23

Control surfaces

@Simone Behl


  • @Nathan Green

  • @Simone Behl

@Megan Spee

@Nathan Green

@Ryan Chan

aileron on 1 of the wings (2 half pieces)

rudder and elevator printing now, will install on the weekend

tape is good, weld is good

Jan 23

Servo mounting

@Nathan Green

@Megan Spee @Nathan Green

next weekend

Jan 28

Rear motor mount manufacturing (3D printing & water jet)

Modify Front motor mount accordingly

@Simone Behl@Ryan Chan



@Andrew Wright


@Conall Kingshott

CAD is done

front motor mounts, no more cheese (holes), added step up

back mount: top plate will be machined. (waterjet, countersunk, tapped. get in touch w/ @Ryan Chan for details)

Jan 15 night


brian moved depts



EE coming in to wire cornflakes for 21st flight

power module should be working next weekend


new member martin (onsite)


Sysint interlude

@Emma-Lee Keeping , @Joshua Perry , @Conall Kingshott , @Megan Spee to review RFC

cameras: CV cams, pilot cams


Wiring drone

  • black duct tape

  • cannot route through the tubes


We don’t have spares for Vanny. solution: bring a hacksaw and a bunch of aluminum tubing

Need M3 screws to mount motors on Vanny

25 mm @Nathan Green 30 mm

@Alison Thompson to measure bolt length? - double check if recently bought, on mech shelf


Sidenote: pelican boxes and organizing toolboxes(???)







 Action items

Sysint and mech meeting for corn flakes new motors test on the 21st
