2023-03-27 Meeting Notes froggie




  • @Conall Kingshott

  • @Megan Spee


  • Update the group on progress of various projects

  • Review Deadlines

  • Allocate tasks

 Discussion topics











@Alison Thompson


  • Horizontal stabilizer modifications in progress - stiffening it with aluminum boxtube

  • New, taller landing gear to fit 16” propeller

  • Stiffening the cabin - upcoming - @Alison Thompson

    • velcro lid - @Alison Thompson

  • redid control horns shout out to Nathan

  • redid control rods shout out to Justin


Competition Frame updates

@Conall Kingshott


Everything is now urgent. If you can’t complete it, you need to tell me so I can re-delegate it

Stiffener mount:
- @Hrishik Patel need updates. If this is done, the file needs to be sent for printing

Front support bar:

  • @Andrew Wright to re-print in CF PETG

Fuselage Skin:
- @Andrew Wright Updates?

  • velcro in place, fuselage skin still needs work

  • Dremel part of this skin on weekend @Conall Kingshott

  • see #mech-bounties for a list of things to dremel. Please add things to this list if:

    • the piece is carbon fiber on ICARUS

    • it interferes with anything on the frame

  • @Alison Thompson to drive fuselage skin

Tail - vert stabilizers @Andrew Wright
- Design ready to go, needs to be built

Landing gear - @Alison Thompson

  • Fits well, stiffener cross-bar definitely needed. Updates? What do we need done

    • test these, make sure it all fits, then print the other 2 if goes well

  • waiting on right length bolts - @Andrew Wright to follow up on bolts for pickup soon

Nose/tail - @Andrew Wright

  • Coat the nose cone and tail cone with epoxy

Bay door - @Vishal Jayakumar

  • We need a connection to the frame urgently

    • glue and epoxy testing occurring

    • begin hinges - @Andrew Wright , @Vishal Jayakumar

      • exists in cad, revise and print

      • clear any interference - mark things for dremeling

Motor Mounts:

  • This is my (@Conall Kingshott ) fault for taking so long or ordering bolts. They will be ordered right after this meeting and I will deal with assembling them last minute.

  • @Andrew Wright If these haven’t been printed because of lack of testing, print what you’ve got so far and we’ll make it work.


not quite as urgent - Passenger Cabin Seats/ Interior - @Sohee Yoon , @Luke Johnston

  • Looking for more people to work on this!


Other electronics mounting (slightly less urgent)

  • FPV camera for nose cone - @Megan Spee

  • Sensor stack @ bottom of fuselage - @Megan Spee

  • Airspeed sensor mount to nose cone -

  • ESC cases - @Megan Spee , @Nathan Green discuss this in icarus sync

  • RFD900x case - @Andrew Wright

    • prototype design

  • VTX case - @Andrew Wright

    • to be designed



Go to the icarus syncs (TUES 9pm) to stay up-to-date cross subteam


Flight tests and comp simulations

@Megan Spee

lets not crash x3

there is mech work to do, come grind icarus



Tracking antenna

@Megan Spee @Andy Zhang @Jason Li


  • Designing a static antenna

  • dimensioning things in the bay - based off of current tripod mounts in the bay

  • VTX tower mostly finished @Jason Li

  • telemetry tower to be completed

  • need to 3D print these parts @ RPC, RPC laser cut base plate



3D print queue

@Megan Spee



omnipresent safety reminder


composites room for any fiberglass and carbon fiber (CF).

PLEASE be safe lol. these are carcinogens

don’t do this if you don’t feel safe!
paint room for spray paint!



send meeting notes out at the end



 Action items
