2023-01-21 Ops Meeting




  • @Hamza Ali

  • @Alison Thompson

  • @Wingchee Wen (Deactivated)

  • Ryan Eggens

  • Christopher Leung


  • Onboard and welcome new ops members to the team

  • Get updates on current tasks

  • New projects moving forward

 Discussion topics







Social Events

  • team sports (soccer, volleyball)

  • jackbox (find people with jackbox)

  • codenames (online version)

  • cards against humanity (online or physical)

  • bowling (lots of work to organize)

  • @Hamza Ali bring up at leads

  • Decison on Jan 28th

Recruitment Reels


  • @Alison Thompson by Jan 29th

Welcome back post


  • follow up with @Ryan Chan asynchronously

Air frame design with sponsor logos


  • @Alison Thompson @Ryan Chan bring up at mech meeting

Branding Refresh

check out link from YuAn

  • More blues and cyans

  • More sci-fi colors

Adobe License

  • better version in the works

  • @Hamza Ali finding alternatives

Procurement guidelines

  • purchases over $100

  • automate ledger getting filled out

  • clarify documentation, redo

  • break into subpages (weef reimbursement, engsoc, etc.)

  • quiz?

  • @Wingchee Wen (Deactivated) look through purchasing thread and make improvements

  • @Hamza Ali and @Wingchee Wen (Deactivated) meet to make changes

  • @Hamza Ali @Wingchee Wen (Deactivated) create protocall for ems purchases


  • website for purchasing

  • reduses error

  • integrated with discord

  • potential ideas for the bot?

    • social media requests and planning

    • better way to do lettuce-meet style

  • Tell people not to directly create discord events, use the gcal

  • use LinkedIn more (bot to post insta posts to discord?)

Social Media

  • need hard timeframes for post requests

  • all requests must be done through discord thread

  • videos + graphics - at LEAST 1 week (including a weekend)

  • photos/videos with no edits - 2 days, please include caption if you can

  • ping @Ryan Chan for graphics, @Alison Thompson for videos. NO OVERLAP

@Hamza Ali to add guideline with the info on the left on the social media pipeline forum

@ christopher , helping with UBC collab

 Action items
