2023-10-04 Mechanical Meeting

2023-10-04 Mechanical Meeting


Oct 4, 2023


  • @Conall Kingshott

  • @Nathan Green

  • @Alison Thompson



 Discussion topics







Task visibility

@Conall Kingshott

@Alison Thompson & @Smile Khatri

Frame Updates

@Conall Kingshott

  • McMaster order came in, we need to add the washers and tighten everything down

  • We have no loctite on central block. We either need to fix this now, or hope its fine for hover test.

  • Pixhawk is mounted

  • Side shields / battery covers

  • We have weight problems. Drone as a whole is projecting around 10kg rn, our goal was 7. All subteams are doing everything they can to do reduce weight, and we need to do our part.

  • Re-machining center block and remaking one arm?

Task Documentation

@Alison Thompson

  • 2024 Season Pegasus Mechanical Decisions Documentation New task visibility system! Going to explain by clicking through.

  • TLDR all tasks you’re given will have a subpage and you are to write journal entries as updates when any discussions or big changes are made on your task

  • Complain if you are given a task without one! The PM/lead for the project should have this filled out.

  • Constraints will now be found in there instead of Asana

  • That being said, there’s a bit of a backlog atm and it will take time for us to get these ready!

  • @Conall Kingshott @Nathan Green @Arjun Mandair @Smile Khatri and I need to go through and get these all strated!

Cabin Updates

@Alison Thompson

  • first rev of skeleton! good job @Evan Janakievski !


  • need to flesh out sizes, I think atm I’m leaning towards cargo bay in the back and barbie cabin in the front so the whole thing can be shorter

  • should just be a little wider than what’s needed for 2 barbies to sit in seats side-by-side, I don’t have a barbie atm but old seats were 60mm wide, so probably want at least 120mm + a bit of space between them and clearance for the door

  • need to check how tall they are when sitting and add some head room

  • cargo boxes are max 5cm * 5cm * 10cm so if we leave room for at least 20cm*10cm*10cm cargo bay with some clearance

  • @Evan Janakievski plz add updates and what we discuss today (and in the future) to this: Skeleton

  • any updates from @Georgia Westerlund on Aero-Panels ? plz add updates in that doc

  • any updates from @Aric Quan on Aero-Panel Mounting ? plz add updates in that doc

  • still need people for cargo bay and seats! (we’ll see if I get the pages for those done before the end of this meeting, if not they will be linked later and you’ll be pinged)

Frame Testing

@Nathan Green

  • The frame will likley be tested on Saturday in a static thrust test with props on

  • A hover test is less likley this weekend, but might happen next weekend

LTE Mount

@Nathan Green

  • Project assignment of a mount for the Raspberry Pi and LTE hat

Tracking Antenna

@Arjun Mandair

  • New Servo Mount

    • Did we want a square piece of sheet metal underneath?


  • Hole clearance is a problem

    • Cut sheet metal?

    • May ruin structural integrity

    • We need to integrate with height adjustment mechanism anyways





 Action items


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