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McMaster order came in, we need to add the washers and tighten everything down
We have no loctite on central block. We either need to fix this now, or hope its fine for hover test.
Pixhawk is mounted
Side shields / battery covers
We have weight problems. Drone as a whole is projecting around 10kg rn, our goal was 7. All subteams are doing everything they can to do reduce weight, and we need to do our part.
TLDR all tasks you’re given will have a subpage and you are to write journal entries as updates when any discussions or big changes are made on your task
Complain if you are given a task without one! The PM/lead for the project should have this filled out.
Constraints will now be found in there instead of Asana
That being said, there’s a bit of a backlog atm and it will take time for us to get these ready!
@Conall Kingshott@Nathan Green@Arjun Mandair@Smile Khatri and I need to go through and get these all strated!
Cabin Updates
@Alison Thompson
first rev of skeleton! good job @Evan Janakievski !
need to flesh out sizes, I think atm I’m leaning towards cargo bay in the back and barbie cabin in the front so the whole thing can be shorter
should just be a little wider than what’s needed for 2 barbies to sit in seats side-by-side, I don’t have a barbie atm but old seats were 60mm wide, so probably want at least 120mm + a bit of space between them and clearance for the door
need to check how tall they are when sitting and add some head room
cargo boxes are max 5cm * 5cm * 10cm so if we leave room for at least 20cm*10cm*10cm cargo bay with some clearance
@Evan Janakievski plz add updates and what we discuss today (and in the future) to this: Skeleton
any updates from @Georgia Westerlund on Aero-Panels ? plz add updates in that doc
any updates from @Aric Quan on Aero-Panel Mounting ? plz add updates in that doc
still need people for cargo bay and seats! (we’ll see if I get the pages for those done before the end of this meeting, if not they will be linked later and you’ll be pinged)
Frame Testing
@Nathan Green
The frame will likley be tested on Saturday in a static thrust test with props on
A hover test is less likley this weekend, but might happen next weekend
LTE Mount
@Nathan Green
Project assignment of a mount for the Raspberry Pi and LTE hat
Tracking Antenna
@Arjun Mandair
New Servo Mount
Did we want a square piece of sheet metal underneath?
Hole clearance is a problem
Cut sheet metal?
May ruin structural integrity
We need to integrate with height adjustment mechanism anyways