2024-09-27 Autonomy Roadmap - UPDATED after comp sync
Ashish Agrahari
Waterloo Aerial Robotics Group
Roadmap and topics
Oct 3, 2024 Autonomy system ground test geolocation Houston
Ground test classical CV detection for geolocation
Oct 5, 2024 Fly Autonomy on Houston, run Geolocation (landing pads)
Circles should be run on simulation
Test classical CV and ML?
Fly a circle around a chosen center/radius → Circle mode or bunch of waypoints.
Make a waypoint (center), then fly circle
Oct 12, 2024 May be moved to next week Oct 19, 2024
Fly cluster estimation with geolocation (landing pads). If this doesn’t work, we will opt out to make a simpler detection script.
Fly switching waypoints mid-flight and switching modes (ask @Andrew Shum)
Oct 19, 2024 Detection ground tested. When is IR camera arriving
Flying towards a target (detect a color and go in that direction → guided mode?) (optional)
Oct 26, 2024 Fly task 1 code for the first time
Fly detection script (either geolocation or new script)
Fly a couple of concentric rings with geolocation on.
Nov 2, 2024 Fly task 2 (might be tight)
May 9, 2025 Competition
TASK 1: Autonomous take-off / landing, but manual flying in between? (seek clarification)
Front camera only required to get to fire zone if autonomous (finding red balloons) (if not autonomous, pilots already have front camera)
1. Take off autonomously to a certain height
2. Pilot fly to balloons
3. Start search pattern and detection of IR emitters. At the same time, pilots can monitor the video feed to find the “source of fire”
UPDATE: Pilots/watchers will save coordinates of drone when source of fire is found, then come back to the source of fire once the search pattern is complete
4. Pilots fly back / RTL
5. Auto-landing script
UPDATE: EVERY run will be autonomous, with the pilot ready to manually take over if needed. This will give as many possible chances for an autonomous run to succeed.
Pathing (all locations are given beforehand)
UPDATE: Decide the order of buckets in which we will deliver water.
For simplicity, go to nearest bucket
UPDATE: Needs:
1 IR camera / CV camera with IR lens (for detecting hotspots in task 1, and maybe water source in task 2)
1 CV camera (for finding water source and unloading buckets in task 2, and maybe flying towards balloons in task 1).
Depends on mech’s implementation of picking up water/releasing it, might be offloaded to EFS
Geolocation - Top priority Oct 26, 2024
1. Using geolocation to get location of IR emitters
2. Fly right on top of IR sensor, then just read GPS data? Centering above the IR emitter
3. Work on both solutions at the same time
Detection stuff (combined with ML) Oct 26, 2024
Can’t fly too high - flight test it to see how high we want to fly (flight test, starting next term after Geolocation and Detection is done)
1. OpenCV to find “brightspots”
UPDATE: 2. Use ML model to find “brightspots”. ML model will be backup solution (we will be using images from future flight tests to train a new ML model)
Cluster Estimation - Top priority Oct 26, 2024
1. Take in large number of data points/locations from Geolocation, and group them
Autonomous water task
Precise coordinates, or precise controls to center drone on water
Use CV camera, for edge detection of buckets for loading and unloading (as GPS coordinates might not be precise enough)
Use precision landing module, not geolocation
Airside vs groundside compute
We are doing AIRSIDE compute for this competition
Search pattern
Search within radius of 100m from “sign of fire” (tower of balloons) Oct 26, 2024
1. Go to sign of fire as center (mark coordinates down manually)
2. Fly spiral/concentric rings (either manually or have someone input it into mission planner or have a script ready)
Generate this path given center, radius, drone’s view width
Eventually merge Pathing into “airside”
Start with searching manually, eventually get to autonomous search pattern
KML Oct 26, 2024
Record the coordinates from detection, then translate into KML file
Do read CONOPS for formatting
IR Camera
Detection - Fires
Detection - Source (940nm IR emitters)
Possibly Detection - Fire sign (red balloons)
Scoping out map widget and other smaller components
Planning another IMACS sync with the pilots
Getting a video feeds
Talk to EFS to get camera feed?
MEF - Seems to be around mid-October