2024-11-06 EFS Meeting

2024-11-06 EFS Meeting

  • A very successful social happened last Sunday! Thanks to everyone who showed up!

  • A huge flight test happened last Saturday. Check out this flight test video created by anni!



  • IMU driver - @Kelvin Feng

    • Need to address 2 comments, PR should be ready to merge afterwards


  • Sensor Fusion - @Polly Liu & @Liam Suter

    • prototyping with bmx160

    • code awaiting testing this weekend


  • GPS

    • new task opening?


  • Fail-Safe Fix - @Uzayr Hussaini @Andrew Wang

    • Verified PWM signal output with logic analyzer and submitted PR.


Attitude Manager @Anthony Luo

  • Same as last week. Waiting on sensor fusion and IMU


System Manager @Hardy Yu

  • no update


Telemetry Manager @Yarema Dzulynsky

@Larry Pan

  • Dependency injection is done and has been merged to main.

@Yarema Dzulynsky

  • Complete TM operation (with multiple FreeRTOS tasks) can be simulated in a c++ environment locally. RTOS stuff has been abstracted into a CMSISAbstractorBase class, which allows us to run simulated CMSIS with threads and mutex locks as well as the real thing on the STM board. Sending and receiving via radio link has been abstracted into a GroundStationCommunicationBase class, which allows us to simulate the use of the RFD900 while in reality simply streaming and listening to UDP packets on localhost as well as having an implementation to use the RFD900. We can then connect to any ground control station software via UDP to test TM locally. (NOT IN MAIN YET)

Path Manager @Ayoung Eun

  • Research going on as before, but we will start to write skeleton codes only with functions and description on top of our per-existing PM repository structures. @Ben Carnes was wondering if we have any desired test inputs we could use for takeoff/landing test or should we still arbitrarily choose them?



Core Dump @Kabir Verma

  • I wanted to download the testing rig and kinda stuck on the versioning and ideal setup so wanted some help there.


ZP Validation Image @Ethan Leung

  • Tried running inter-board communication tests but the Arduino mega board I was planning on using has a broken usb to serial port. I think we’re going to order a new one.

  • Progress on remaining test cases same as last week.


ZP3.5 M2 Bring-Up @Sherry Lai

  • Read through ZP3.5 architecture documents to gain a better understanding

Drivers @Ethan Leung

Covered driver interface and documentation expectations and helped blocked members in sync past Saturday. Driver developers continuing to work on their interface designs.

  • Message Queue @Dami Peng

    • No updates, have a general idea of how to write the interface

    • will prob start tonight or tomorrow


  • Motor Channel (PWM) @Bill Lu

    • Driver interface is defined

    • Starting to code the driver interface, but struggling a little. Ask @Derek Tang


  • RC Receiver @Chandise Anderson

    • I wasn’t able to work on the project much this week, so no updates from me, but I plan on working on it this and next week a lot more


  • Watchdog @Ronald You

    • busy with co-op

    • maybe assign another person?


Attitude Manager @Sam Zhang

  • no updates

  • waiting on the interfaces (queue and pwm)


System Manager @Manasva Katyal

  • Had further alignment meetings with driver team + AM

  • Discussed message queue interface on driver & AM side

  • Will scaffold and start first coding round soon

ESC (Jeffery Zhen)

  • timers configure with @Anthony Luo and DShot is running

  • need to test DShot by plugging in a motor

  • starting to work on the CAN component


Servo @Tharun Ganeshram @Fion Lin @Herman Gahra

  • no updates. @Herman Gahra busy

  • @Hardy Yu to work with team sometime this week


Sensor Cluster @Roni Kant

  • @Henry Wu struggling to communicate with magnetometer. I2C address transmitted but no response from sensor.

  • @Tochi Okoro finishing code this week, want to test with barometer (if the dev board is here) at upcoming work session

  • @Aidan Fisher Made a branch in the efs-can-sensor-clustor repository for the EPC 611 lidar driver that I was working on. It has all of the code that I have currently finished

  • @Ria Prakash Made a lot of progress today porting/wrapping the driver to cpp, few more improvements to be made to the structure as well as adding configuration options for the season. After that, will implement FreeRTOS tasks

  • @Roni Kant Going to work on implementing FreeRTOS over the week


LED Board @Folarin Fatola (Unlicensed)

  • Project moved to C++ and Neopixel class created. Firmware can render individual or all LEDS at a time to a specific color.

  • TODO: Make sure you can't populate buffer until ongoing DMA transfer is complete.

  • Was going to test CAN integration this week, but realized that the stm32 we’re using on the lighting boards doesn’t support CANFD, so had to port to a different CAN API instead


6s Power Module @Bryan Ma @Harry Chen


Tracking Antenna @Omer Sajid @Jeremy Zheng

  • Everything that had to be done before the flight test is done. Tracking Antenna is able to track location of drone with a high degree of accuracy (this was done by manually moving the drone around by hand)

  • Flight Card is mostly done. Wanted to discuss procedure for flight test.


We made a new section for all the ongoing pull requests in the EFS team! Hopefully, these PRs will get more attention and be processed as soon as possible. No excuse for people who are assigned as the PR reviewer not to review the PR within two days!

Failsafe Implementation:

Fixed up isDataNew and implemented failsafe code in system manager by Uzayrhuss353 · Pull Request #68 · UWARG/efs-zeropilot-3.5

  • reviewers: @Hardy Yu @Anthony Luo


IMU Driver @ ZP3.5!

IMU ICM42688 Driver by kelvinos2624 · Pull Request #63 · UWARG/efs-zeropilot-3.5

  • reviewers: @Hardy Yu @Anthony Luo



Fola/led class by FolaFatola · Pull Request #11 · UWARG/efs-can-lighting

  • reviewers: @Anthony Luo


Bootcamp PRs @Derek Tang

Single Servo Driver


Setup Ardupilot to use RTs/CTS for RPi Int Rev B Killswitch - @Uzayr Hussaini @Andrew Wang

  • more urgent and short task

  • looking to get this done by the end of this week or so

  • open to anyone even you already have a task



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