Fixed Wing Landing and Takeoff

Fixed Wing Landing and Takeoff

Know that fixed wing landing and takeoff will be very much different from quad landing and takeoff.

Quad can switch to takeoff/landing stage straight,



while fixed wing needs multiple stages to take off/landing.

More information is available from Nixon’s documentations.



Next step:

  • Develop a simulator that gets the outputs from the path manager back to the mission planner. We need to check if that value is right using Python codes (to be discussed later)

  • We need to implement a function to communicate with TM.

  • We need some error checking mechanism - Obtain data from queue (AM) and pop it. Store it in a struct, and check if that value is right - If the desired speed or position do not match, flag this to the AM. (Should the data be checked periodically? Or just when AM asks about it?)

  • Implement current algorithm, assuming that the decoded data comes in a queue.