CV Fall 2022 Planning


Aug 2, 2022


  • @Mika Shaw


  • Organize CV!

 Discussion topics


Topics of Discussion

Notes / To do



Topics of Discussion

Notes / To do


CV Bootcamp

  • Approval system

  • threshold for model = 70%

  • Add in WARG dataset (aerial images, classify people)


  • Do we want to create a leads board on asana for tasks (e.g bootcamp approvals, research, purchasing, et cetera)

dependant on number of incoming CV people

  • 10 -15 min onboarding

  • coordinate over discord


  • Delegating topics

  • Aydan (ML / infra)

  • Mika (GUI, data telemetry)



  • who takes what meetings - meeting alternation system?

  • alternate weeks

    • create confluence page, fill in notes



  • We need a new ML task (find out from ray abt GPU)

  • Also remember, we’re going to have to suit our tasks for whatever the 2023 comp CONOPS requires for CV

  • brainstorming

  • do-able within 4 months


Meeting location

  • Do we want to try in person meetings in the fall CV work sessions

  • test it out → Aydan can only b there weekends


Member Accountability

  • How can we keep WARG’s CV members engaged, but also accountable (updates, documentation) for their work

  • updates in meetings / if not make it to meeting, in task channel


 Action items

create a folder/doc defining each major project and project goals, description, subtasks, rough timeline
