GUI User Test Questions + Procedure

GUI User Test Questions + Procedure

Overall Questions to be Answered By End of This Test

  • Are all the data points being displayed?

  • Is the information being updated properly?

  • Is the information being displayed in a way that is intuitive and easy to read? (Includes data update times, and overall readability of the information)

  • Is there a stable video feed throughout the entire test with appropriate overlaid widgets? (ex. horizon markers)

Metrics to Answer the Above Questions

  1. Are all the data points being displayed?

    1. Method to Answer This Question: Ask the individual to determine whether or not the following data is being displayed: longitude, latitude, altitude, motor output, dictionary, and battery voltage

    2. Success will be measured by whether or not the user is able to find all the mentioned data points

  2. Is the information being updated properly?

    1. Method to Answer This Question: By running the mock data by switching to the RandomParse branch and running the command python GroundStationGUI.py, we will be able to see whether or not the data is being updated. The mock data should cause noticeable changes in the data. For example, when the mock data is run, the altitude should keep on increasing. Another example is the map. The longitude and latitude should also be changing as the mock data is run.

    2. Success will be measured by determining whether or not the data is actually changing or not.

  3. Is the information being displayed in a way that is intuitive and easy to read? (Includes data update times, and overall readability of the information)

    1. Method to Answer This Question: This question will be split into different ‘cases’. Each data point will be given a baseline time in which it must be found by the user. The * indicates where an emergency might occur during flight, which would need the corresponding reading ASAP The baseline times are the following:

      1. Finding Longitude: Must be done in less than 5 seconds*

      2. Finding Latitude: Must be done in less than 5 seconds*

      3. Finding Altitude: Must be done in less than 5 seconds*

      4. Determining Motor Output: Should be done in less than 10 seconds

      5. Determining heading of aircraft: Should be done in less than 3 seconds*

      6. Battery Voltage Reading: Should be done within 5 second*

      7. Connection Quality: Should be done within 2 seconds*

      8. Orientation of Aircraft: Should be done within 2 seconds

      9. Arm/disarm mode: Should be done within 2 seconds*

      10. Flight Mode; Fixed Wing, Quad : Should be done within 2 seconds*

      11. Faults (Aircraft Warnings): Should be done within 2 seconds*

    2. Success will be measured by determining whether or not the readings were completed in the appropriate time frame

  4. Is there a stable video feed throughout the entire test with appropriate overlaid widgets? (ex. horizon markers)

    1. Method to Answer This Question/Success Measurement: The video feed will need to be observed throughout the test to determine whether or not it runs smoothly (minimum lag, clear picture). This will be a qualitative measurement.

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