2024-04-22 RF Electronics


RFC is being rushed due to the incoming of competition. Might never be merged officially but will be used for competition airframe. Done by @Daniel Puratich and reviewed by @Nathan Green . Started on evening of 5/11/2024 to get orders in just before competition but we’ll see time wise if I can swing it.

Table of Contents


RF Filters


Filtering Required RF Devices

No Filtering Required RF Devices

  • TX Only

  • Not Practical to Filter

    • Phone Telemetry bidir

      • internal to phone, should be properly designed antennas in there

      • not possible to filter easily

    • GPS receiver

      • gps denied should be anticipated tho hopefully antenna gain helps us

      • not possible to filter easily

      • vtx and usb are both scary





Filter Options

SDR Setup

  • Two Yagi’s

    • Dipoles total length is a halfwave

    • Two support 900MHz band, one is meant for 2.4GHz

  • Normal antennas

    • will just use simple antennas for analysis at FT and prep for competition

Drone Antenna Locations

  • Hardware locations physically on drone

    • general

      • Viewing the flight paths from conops

      • asked people

    • competition:

  • above diagram shows intended flight for task 1 and task 2

    • comp info:

      • task 2 is far riskier so antennas should all go on right side of drone

    • components

    • elrs

    • vtx

      • right side to optimize for task 2 approach

      • mounted with gromets because it matches the 30x30mm mounting pattern ontop of drone!

      • mech people will likely improve accordingly, i did my best lol

      • should have null pointed toward GPS antennas to avoid interference, nearby bands

    • gps

      • spread out on top, already mounted, no change

  • putting the antennas on a VNA in person will be nice to verify assumptions

Ground Antenna Locations

Separate tower for video receiver and elrs

Battery Information

  • We are running four batteries (and not six)

    • this was proven preferable from flight tests

  • If the four arms are corners, then one battery per side

    • this has negligible impact on flight characteristics

Wiring Information

  • there's a few blanks to fill in currently in the doc but I (@Daniel Puratich ) do not have time before competition, hopefully onsite EEs are available for fun

  • if someone wants to fill in, plz do!

  • probably not, sadge