2024-05-17 Filter Design


Table of Contents


Filter Design

Our System

  • Analog video bandwidth

    • 6MHz bandwidth on these

  • We are currently using the following devices:

    • Devices from

    • VTX: Flywoo 1.2GHz/1.3GHz Video transmitter VTX-1G3 9CH

      • 9CH (1080,1120,1160,1200,1240,1280,1320,1360,1258MHz)

      • each channel is 40 MHz wide so that’s the minimum bandwidth I need for this filter

    • VRX:

      • CH0:910MHZ

      • CH1:980MHZ

      • CH2:1010MHZ

      • CH3:1040MHZ

      • CH4:1080MHZ

      • CH5:1120MHZ

      • CH6:1160MHZ

      • CH7:1200MHZ

      • CH8:1240MHZ

      • CH9:1280MHZ

      • CHH:1320MHZ

      • CHC:1360MHZ

      • CHd:1258MHZ

      • CHE:1100MHZ

      • CHF:1140MHZ

      • We’re using Channel 9 on rmrc so 1280 MHz center roughly

  • Band Information

      • 1.24 – 1.246

      • 1.252 – 1.258

      • 1.264 – 1.27

      • 1.276 – 1.282

      • 1.288 – 1.294

      • there are three legal ATV channels where we are

        • 1240 – 1246

        • 1252 – 1258

        • 1276 – 1282

  • Legal (Possible) Spots

    • RMRC Ch 8 “1240MHZ” should be 1240 – 1246 MHz so legal

    • RMRC Ch 9 “1280MHZ” should be 1276 – 1282 MHz so legal

    • RMRC doesn’t have a channel for 1252 – 1258 so we can’t use this one

  • Passband should cover both legal spots

    • what’s in between hopefully isn’t an issue.

    • Just trying to filter out strong out of band signals with this filter.

First Pass


  • Minimum Pass Band: 1236MHz - 1286MHz

  • Minimum Bandwidth = (1286-1236)/2 = 25 MHz

  • Target Center Freq = 25 +1236 = 1261 = 1260 MHz

  • Center Freq Wavelength = 299 792 458 / 1 260 000 000 = 0.2379 m = 23 cm

  • Center Freq Quarter Wavelength = 0.05948 = 6cm = 2.4 inch

  • Target Bandwidth = 40 MHz

  • Target Pass Band: 1220Mhz - 1280 MHz

Ideal Dimensions

  • Using the table from for the initial dimensions.

    • “Fingers” are the three rods installed in the tube

    • “Probe” is the piece connected to the SMA

  • Tube Size

    • Ideally one dimension is 1/4 wavelength, will do my best

    • Targeting 2.4inch for one dimension based on above calculations

  • Finger Spacing

    • From table this is pretty clear I need to go with 40mm spacing

    • The distance between the “Fingers” is used to set the center frequency of the filter

  • Tube Length

    • From table 180mm seems optimal with this finger spacing so 7 inch

  • Finger Diameter

    • 10mm from table so 0.39 inch = 0.4 inch

    • 8mm also seems fine in table so = 0.31 inch

  • Finger Length

    • this seems to matter a lot based on center frequency

    • I will be able to sand these down worst case though this is also tunable

    • 48mm on all of them seems reasonable so 1.9inch

    • 2inch is 50.8mm so it’s kind of a lot but could sand it down


  • I am rushing this because machine shop closes for three day weekend!!

  • Getting connectors for this via

    • ensured they have the dielectric on the output to keep the 50 ohms

    • went with ones with just two bolts hoping easier to secure

  • Box Tubing

      • uses 60x40mm tubing so 2.4 x 1.5 inch exterior for similar center frequency designs

    • https://ems-stores.uwaterloo.ca/ems-site/aluminum-sq-rect-tubes

      • they really dont have anything that close

      • Alum Rect Tube 2 X 1 X .125 Wall so 2 x 1 inch

        • seems like the closest, inner diameter will be 1.8 which is actually quite far off

        • hopefully I can make this solve working off of the table provided

      • Alum Rect Tube 3 x 1 x .125 Wall so 3 x 1 inch

        • going from the inner diameter this will be closest on the 3 inch axis but the 1inch on the other one is gonna be tough to work with, will see if it solves, kinda gotta send it

      • Wall thickness

        • the .125 wall thickness is a bit thicker than the 0.01 inch used so

    • https://ems-stores.uwaterloo.ca/ems-site/steel-tubing

      • they have this in better sizes than aluminum

      • steel has less conductivity (~ 5x less) so it’s really not viable

      • not even close

    • Length

      • 7 inch, I can pick this so yea will just tell them

  • Finger pieces

  • End Cover

    • 0.6mm sheet aluminum was used (could be thinner tho if they have?)

    • as thin as possible at EMS

    • Dimension options to cover 1x3inch tube with an extra 1/2 inch (reference used 0.4inch on each end so 0.8inch total) on bent part gives

      • 1.5x3

        • this one seems preferable

      • 1x3.5

    • https://ems-stores.uwaterloo.ca/ems-site/aluminum-sheets

      • Alum Sheet - 5052 H32 20 GA. - .032

  • Fasteners

    • 4x for SMA conn bolts M3X3

    • 3x tuning bolts M3X15

    • 3x tuning counternut and lockwasher

    • 3x finger bolts

    • 8x end cover bolts M3 (M3X6 ?)

    • 8x end cover nylock nuts M3

  • copper/brass rod for probe

    • EMS doesn't have anything good for this, will need to get inventive here, not sure where to get brass rods or thin copper tube. guide uses UT-085 semirigid shield but I don’t have any of that

    • We have steel rods that are for little red yard flags

      • I can solder to these easily

      • Can easily cut myself with wire cutters

      • width should be close enough hopefully

EMS Purchase

Website and sign says they close 4:30pm friday, but 3:45pm they were closed. This means not gonna happen for competition.

  • Alum Rect Tube 3 x 1 x .125 Wall

    • 7 inches

    • 1x

  • Alum Solid Rounds 1/4 - 6061

    • 3x

    • 1.9 inch (2inch ok)

  • Alum Sheet - 5052 H32 20 GA. - .032

    • 1.5x3 inch

    • 2x

  • Metric Steel Socket Head Cap Screw 3X10MM X 0.5

    • 20x

  • Metric Steel Socket Head Cap Screw 3X20MM X 0.5

    • 10x

  • Metric Steel Socket Head Cap Screw 3X16MM X 0.5

    • 10x

  • MET NUTS M3 X 0.5

    • 20x


    • 20x

Actual Dimensions

  • measure and sharpie it out



  • taps from EMS?

  • should be able to drill with stuff in the bay and measure it out myself mostly

  • soldering rod to SMA connector


  • Borrowing VNA from university

    • Screwing in the tuning screws should decrease the resonant frequency of each finger by approximately 5%.

    • “The useful tuning range of the complete filter is approximately +/- 3% around its nominal center frequency.”

  • using epoxy or hotglue to secure the tuning bolts once done as I don’t have the recommended paint

  • sharpie on parameters


No VNA yet, no materials, low on time to simulate. Will save this for later. It is good fun, cost effective, and useful so seems worth pursuing.