System Components

System Components


this is likely not our exact transmitter but they are all functionally the same
  • the pilot uses the transmitter to control the plane

  • there are 2 common flying modes:

    • mode 1: throttle on the right stick

    • mode 2: throttle on the left stick (most common))


Orange RX 433 MHz Receiver
  • mounted on the RC plane and receives radio signals from the transmitter

  • AFAIK, we this this receiver to control the plane’s movement (speed, yaw, pitch and roll)

DJI Lightbridge (LB)

DJI Lightbridge Ground Unit (left) and Air Unit (right)
  • AFAIK, we only use this for video transmission and do not send our movement controls through the LB

  • in our configuration the ground unit is the receiver and the air unit is the transmitter

    • with the gimbal project, this could change and we might be using the ground unit to send signals to control the gimbal

  • we receive HD digital video on the 2.4GHz band

  • 1.7 km transmission distance in unobstructed outdoor environment


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