Comparing Balancing Types

Is a Cell Balance Needed?

  • Improves battery life by maximizing the capacity of a battery pack with multiple cells in series, ensuring that all of its energy is available for use

  • Imbalance leads to a slower but persistent degradation of the battery.

  • Without balance, discharging must stop when the cell with the lowest capacity is empty, even though the other cells are still not empty. This limits the energy delivering capability of the battery pack.

  • Battery cells are fragile that die or get damaged if they are charged or discharged too much. 

Passive vs. Active





All extra energy is dissipated (wasted)

Less extra energy is dissipated (wasted)

Bulky (requires extra components)

Small size

Higher cost (requires extra components)

Lower cost

Higher efficiency

Lower efficiency

Fast balancing

Slow balancing

Good thermal management

Poor thermal management

Applications: Used in UPS (Uninterrupted power supply), ESS (Energy storage system), EV/HEV (Electrical vehicle).

Applications: Used in a portable device, low-power system

Battery Monitors