STM32H747 Application Notes



Power Supplies


  • Decoupling caps:

    • One single tantalum or ceramic cap (of 4.7uF minimum capacitance) for the entire package

    • 100nF ceramic capacitor for each VDD pin

Independent Analog Supply and Ref Voltage

  • Follow reference schematic for VDDA, VSSA, VRef+ and VRef-

    • two external decoupling capacitors for VDDA (100nF ceramic capacitors and a 1uF tantalum or ceramic capacitor)

    • two external decoupling capacitors for VRef+ (100nF ceramic capacitors and a 1uF tantalum or ceramic capacitor)

    • VDDA can be connected to VDD through a ferrite bead

    • VREF+pin can be connected to VDDA through a resistor (typically 47ohms)

USB Transceiver Independent Power Supply

  • Follow reference schematic for VDD50USB and VDD33USB (tied together)

    • two external decoupling capacitors (a 100nF ceramic capacitor and a 1uF tantalum or ceramic capacitor)

    • Currently missing a 100nF

  • So: allow for an external 5V (from BMS/PDB) and a VDD_MCU (3V3 from regulator)

Battery Backup Domain

  • Do we want an external coin battery? NO, for now

    • If so, follow reference schematic and introduce a jumper to allow switching between 3V3 and battery holder

    • If not, we can just directly connect to VDD (no need for jumper)

  • Investigate current injection?

LDO Voltage Regulator

  • Follow ref schematic for:

    • VDDLDO

      • VDDLDOx pins must be connected together

      • Must be connected to a 4.7uF tantalum or ceramic capacitor

    • VCAP (add the suggested capacitors)

      • Both VCAP1 and VCAP2 must be connected to 2.2uF ceramic capacitor with a low ESR (<100mOhms)

      • Recommended to connect VCAP1 pin to VCAP2

      • Since VCAP3 is available, must be connected to the other VCAP pins, but additional caps are NOT required

SMPS step-down converter

Internal DSI Regulator

Internal Power Supervisor

  • Hold PDR_ON high to enable (using pull up resistor)




HSE (High Speed External Clock) oscillator clock

  • Follow ref schematic:

    • crystal/ceramic resonator

      • Using a 25 MHz oscillator frequency is a good choice to get accurate Ethernet, USB OTG high-speed peripheral, I2S and SAI

    • 2 load capacitors

      • For CL1 and CL2 it is recommended to use high-quality ceramic capacitors in the 5 pF to 25 pF range (typical), designed for high-frequency applications and selected to meet the requirements of the crystal or resonator

      • CL1 and CL2, are usually the same value.

      • The PCB and MCU pin capacitances must be included when sizing CL1 and CL2 (10 pF can be used as a rough estimate of the combined pin and board capacitance).

    • Should be as close as possible to pins (PH0-OSC_IN and PH1-OSC_OUT)

LSE (Low Speed External Clock) oscillator clock

  • crystal/ceramic resonator

    • LSE crystal is a 32.768 kHz low-speed external crystal or ceramic resonator. It has the advantage of providing a low-power, but highly accurate clock source to the real-time clock peripheral (RTC) for clock/calendar or other timing functions.

  • 2 load capacitors

    • CL1 and CL2, are usually the same value.

    • The PCB and MCU pin capacitances must be included when sizing CL1 and CL2 (10 pF can be used as a rough estimate of the combined pin and board capacitance).

  • Should be as close as possible to pins (PC14-OSC32_IN and PC15-OSC32_OUT)


Boot Configuration


Debug Management

SWJ Debug Port (Serial wire and JTAG)

  • Serial Wire / JTAG Debug Port (SWJ-DP)

  • an ARM® standard CoreSight debug port that combines a 5-pin JTAG-DP interface and a 2-pin SW-DP interface

  • The JTAG Debug Port (JTAG-DP) provides a 5-pin standard JTAG interface to the AHP-AP port.

  • The Serial Wire Debug Port (SW-DP) provides a 2-pin (clock + data) interface to the AHP-AP port.

  • Pins

    • PA13, PA14, PA15, PB3, PB4

  • Connect pins to a standard JTAG connector as shown in ref schematic

TPIU Trace Port

  • Trace connector should be located as close as possible to micro

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