Reverse Polarity Protection
Reverse polarity protection (RPP) is a circuit used to protect your board and its components against reverse polarity (ie. plugging in the power and ground backwards, or in reverse). A RPP circuit works by allowing current to flow only in the correct direction. There are a couple ways to do this using:
How each of these are implemented
This is the most simple type of RPP circuit and we can implement it by simply placing a diode in series with our power supply voltage or ground.
We prefer to use Schottky diodes over other types of diodes due to the low forward voltage drop. This means less heat is generated and thus we can get a higher efficiency from our circuit.
Cheaper than other solutions
Easy to implement
Lower efficiency when compared to the other implementations using transistors
With high-current applications, the diodes can overheat - we can put multiple diodes in parallel to compensate for this though
This implementation is done by placing a PMOS on the high-side, with the gate connected to the ground, or by placing an NMOS on the low-side, with the gate connected to the battery.
NMOS FETS are typically cheaper and have a lower Rdson than PMOS FETs
Using an NMOS FET can leave us with a floating ground (ie. the automotive system’s ground in the figure below is not 0V) since we will have a voltage drop across the NMOS’s Rdson. This can affect sensitive circuits and reduce the accuracy of sensors, especially if we are comparing a voltage to ground.
A PMOS FET typically has a higher Rdson than a similar sized NMOS, however, since the PMOS is in line with the high-side, we will not lift up the ground reference.
Looking at the PMOS implementation, we can see that if flip V_BAT, we will apply a high voltage to the gate. Do to the nature of a PMOS FET, this will essentially switch the FET OFF, stopping any current from flowing through the drain-source channel.
Looking at the NMOS implementation, we can see that if we flip V_BAT, we will apply a high voltage to the drain, and a low voltage to the gate. The NMOS FET will be in a OFF state and will not allow current to flow into the systems ground pin via the drain-source channel.
Much higher efficiency compared to the diode implementation.
Slightly more costly (the Schottky diodes are surprisingly expensive at ~$1.3 for a 40V 45A diode and some MOSFETS are around that price too)
FETs are larger than diodes and thus will increase the board size