Power and Converters

Power and Converters

Bus Overvoltage Protection:

  • 60V TVS diode(s):

Bulk Capacitance:

Gate Driver Buck (LMR160006):

The DRV gate driver has the buck IC above integrated into it. Below are the calculations to provide a 5V rail using this regulator.


R2 = 18k, R1 = 100k, Vout = 5V


Using Vin,max = 50.4V, Vout = 5V, fsw = 700kHz, Io = 100mA, K = 0.3, we find that our inductor must be at least 214uH with a continuous current rating of at least 200mA. Will results in 40mA ripple current. From here we optimize filters such as DCR, size, cost, and self-resonant frequency.

Note: We want a K (ratio of ripple current to output current) to be around 0.3. A higher output current will result in a higher ripple current which will cause things like higher ripple voltage, more EMI, and be less efficient. An acceptable ratio is 0.3. If you would like to lower that ratio and decrease you ripple current a larger inductance in needed, but as long as you have a ratio of around 0.3 you’re chilling in CCM with a relatively stable output rail.


Schottky Diode:


Output Capacitance:


Input Capacitance:

5V to 3V3 LDO: