2023-10-21 Flight Tests
Daniel Puratich
Mena Azab (Deactivated)
Neel Patel
Houston Pilot Training Flight:
Provide new pilot @Hardy Yu with flight training time.
Houston for pilot training in stabilize mode
Pegasus Hover Test:
Ensure Pegasus flies without oscillations in stabilize, altitude hold, and position hold flight modes.
Pegasus successfully hover and under the control from pilot
Houston Autonomy Camera Payload Flight
Flight test $200 CV Camera Payload and confirm images look as expected
Tubie Pilot Trainning
Flying on EFS M1 code again, with a new airframe
@Aidan Bowers (Deactivated)
Flight Test was requested on October 15th as a part of AEAC runup plan by @Daniel Puratich .
Approval from team
Week before checklist
Morning of checklist
Gather at the bay
pre-departure checklist
Pre flight briefing
Flight Test
List contains all possible human resources available for flight test support! Please add yourself to this if you want to go to the flight test and follow the format!
@Daniel Puratich
Role (what you will do at the flight test):
Flight Test Lead
Flight Test Director
Documentation Director
Justification (why you’re qualified)
TC Basic
Exec Director
Flight test Requestor
Availability (times on this date you can be at flight test)
All day
@Amy Hu
Autonomy representative
Autonomy Lead
All day
@Aidan Bowers (Deactivated)
Dualie Pilot
tc basic
morning until 11:30am.
@Neel Patel
Electrical representative
Electrical member
All day
@Georgia Westerlund
@Nathan Green
Telemetry testing
basic certificate
mechancial lead
Conall and Alison will not be present (and will not have their vehicle).
Neel’s Car (6 passenger seats)
WRESTRC Booked, see Calendar , for Pegasus flight .
Worst case we do 43°28'23.4"N 80°34'01.8"W as subject to weather constraints regarding timeline for Pegasus.
Trip 1:
member: @Aidan Bowers (Deactivated) , @Hardy Yu , @Daniel Puratich , @Amy Hu , @Vibhinn Gautam
Vehicle: Aidan’s personal car
flight test: tubie no.2, autonomy houston flight test, pilot training @ WRESTRC
time: meet @ bay by 9 am (or even eariler for houston setup and battery charging), we anticipate we get it done before 11:30 am
member - @Nathan Green , @Hardy Yu , @Daniel Puratich , @Georgia Westerlund , @Neel Patel , @Conall Kingshott
Vehicle: Neel’s Personal car, Dodge Caravan
flight test - pegasus hover @ 43°28'23.4"N 80°34'01.8"W
time - start doing preflight checklist @ 11:30 and we can take our time to avoid bad things from happening
Task 1: Raspberry Pi/ Camera Testing w/ Houston
Objective: Verify the camera colour calibration and system integration
Task 2: Tubie Take off
Objective: Verify the reinforced airframe and try to fly longer this time
Takes 3: Pilot Training
Objective: Train new pilot @Hardy Yu
Task 4: Pegasus hover
Objective: Verify the system integration by flying pegasus over the air
and ensure that image collection code runs on Raspberry Pi startupIf things go poorly, flight test director should command (this is stated to avoid bystander effect):
Call 911
give location
Property Damage
if in e7, email Graeme
if at WRESTRC, email them
Fly away
call TC
first aid
call 911
After the flight test summarize the timeline of what happened. With timestamps if timestamps aren't given in checklist?
Tubie Flight Test
10:15 got tubie fully setup and attempted to flight Tubie
@Aidan pilot, @Hardy threw the plane. we failed taking off the plane two times in a row. Both attempts, the plane lost power right after it is been thrown.
Pegasus Flight
Left around 12:45
takeoff in stab
Pitch was inverted
landed fixed on controller
took off stab
drone was backwards
barely took off
rotated drone
tok off in stab
hovverred 10 sec
took off in loiter
hoverred 20 secs
did full stick deflection every direction
full throttle
full yaw
back at 1:43
Nathan uploaded logs. Hover 11 A, 30% throttle.
@Daniel Puratich Directing this section of flight test post mortem!
it worked
good photos
had all tools
ran into no issues with LTE to RFD switchover
ran RFDs bc LTE antenna adapters not in yet
good authority
hoverred at 30% throttle
@Daniel Puratich Directing this section of flight test post mortem!
We need to decrease yaw rate in loiter bc we lose altitude, it is too fast.
drone was placed backwards initially
@Daniel Puratich Directing this section of flight test post mortem!
Raspberry Pi Powered w/ 12V
What happened:
The autonomy houston flight test is scheduled on Oct 21st. The autonomy team got the software ready and installed in the Pi, mech ppl help mounting the camera and pi onto the drone, but the power to the Pi wasn’t done before Oct 21st
8:30am Oct 21st, @Hardy Yu @Amy Hu who come to the flight test decided to solider the power for the Raspberry Pi themselves in a rush to meet the flight test timeline. @Hardy Yu proposed the plan of splitting out the power from the xt60 output of the Holybro PM02D to power the PDB and Pi at the same time. The splited xt60 connect to a usb c breakout board and then power up the Pi. @Daniel Puratich arrived around 9 and helped on the soldering process and reviewed solder joints. We powered the Pi without it ever been tested with multimeter and power supply. However, later on we found out the xt60 output from PM02D is the battery voltage (12V) and that fried the Pi (rated for 5V).
What we should do to avoid similiar triggic from happening in the future:
Any newly created electronics should be tested before used
Schematic makes things much easier to review
If flight tests prerequisite aren’t meet, we should really consider delay or cancel the flight test
All of these major issues should be addressed via Root Cause Analysis Forms:
@Daniel Puratich Directing this section of flight test post mortem!