2023-11-04 Flight Tests
Daniel Puratich
Conall Kingshott
Mihir Gupta
Pegasus Sensor Testing Flight
Test rangefinder and optical flow sensor on monster mount are functional
a step toward all hardware end to end Pegasus test
Pegasus ESC Telemetry and High Frequency Logging
Test ESC Telemetry
Log high frequency flight logs for FFT and notch filtering
This should put us on track for a fair comparison of four vs six batteries for an upcoming flight test
Houston Autonomy Camera Payload Flight
Fly camera over landing pad to gather more data for CV
required for model training progression
Flight Test was requested on Oct 31st as a part of AEAC runup plan by @Daniel Puratich .
Approval from team for the flight test
Discussed in 2023-10-31 AEAC 2024 Sync
Discord thread made and test doc made by @Daniel Puratich
Week before checklist
Morning-Of & Pre-departure Checklist run through
Gather all flight test goers at the bay before briefing
Pre-departure briefing in bay by FTC
Pre flight briefing at flight site
Flight Test
List contains all possible human resources available for flight test support! Please add yourself to this if you want to go to the flight test and follow the format!
@Daniel Puratich
Role (what you will do at the flight test):
Flight Test Lead
Flight Test Director
Documentation Director
Justification (why you’re qualified)
TC Basic
Exec Director
Flight test Requestor
Availability (times on this date you can be at flight test)
All day
here 8am
@Georgia Westerlund
Ops support
Mech support
Ops Lead
Mech Member
All day
@Emma Chan
Ops support
Ops Member
EFS Member
All day
@Yuchen Lin
flight test support
EFS member
all day
@Nathan Green
SDC Driver
Systems integration
Basic certificate
Mech lead
not filled out …
@Hardy Yu
Flight Test Coordinator
All day
here 9:45am
@Mihir Gupta
Autonomy Representative
Autonomy Lead
not filled out …
here 9am
Please fill this out as others have above!
@Neel Patel
did not fill out in advance …
SDC Rav4
Booked by @Daniel Puratich 11/2/2023 for @Nathan Green to drive
SDC Dodge Caravan
unavailable, booked by Teertstra
@Georgia Westerlund
has a vehicle but would prefer not to use it
@Neel Patel
minivan, 6 people total
WRESTRC Booked, see Calendar , for Pegasus flight .
Worst case we do 43°28'23.4"N 80°34'01.8"W as subject to weather constraints regarding timeline for Pegasus.
Trip 1: Houston Autonomy Data Collection
GSO @Yuchen Lin FTC
@Hardy Yu [Flight Test Coord]
Auto Lead @Mihir Gupta [Autonomy Lead]
Driver @Neel Patel with minivan
Car: Neel’s minivan
Time: We gather @ 10am, the flight test will run 10:45 - 12:00
departed 10:46am from bay
Location: WRESTRC
Trip 2: Pegasus Sensor Validation
FTL@Daniel Puratich [Exec Director]
Driver/Pilot @Nathan Green [Mech Lead]
Photo @Georgia Westerlund [Ops Lead]
Op member @Emma Chan
one extra spot
Car: RAV4 - Nathan drive
Time: Gather in bay @ 12:30pm, flight test will run 1:15 - 2:30
Location: 43°28'23.4"N 80°34'01.8"W
and ensure that image collection code runs on Raspberry Pi startup, completed by @Mihir Gupta yesterdayIf things go poorly, flight test director will command someone to do specific tasks on this last (this is stated to avoid bystander effect):
Call 911
give location
Property Damage
if in e7, email Graeme
if at WRESTRC, email them
Fly away
call TC
first aid
call 911
For more details see Operating Procedures
After the flight test summarize the timeline of what happened with timestamps if timestamps aren't given in checklist. I’ve moved to trying to mark dates and all info in the checklist itself so this section is fairly minimal
Flew all four Houston batteries for data collection
Ran no filters but data logging, op flow and rangefinder worked flew for a bit (log didn't work here)
turned on ESCTELEM 3 notch filter flow for a bit
upped max speed and flew at loiter near max (limited by mode/stability) 14m/s max
14m/s at the fast run
30 A max
12 A hover
@Daniel Puratich Directing this section of flight test post mortem!
The drone flies for 3 auto missions
We collected usable data for the Autonomy ML team
Process of collecting data and running Raspberry Pi was very streamlined
No crashes
didnt have to recalibrate compass at all
FFT looks good? Will let @Anthony Luo analyze
@Daniel Puratich Directing this section of flight test post mortem!
We should be planning drivers and cars better, need to ping people and ask in advance
this is a big one, we shouldn't get surprised by anyone who has a car bc it affects things a ot
Accidently hit the arm button without double check and flew to 100 meters altitude
WRESTRC a lot of birds in the air, if drone exceeds 100 meters altitude could risk the chance of getting hit with a bird
Better time management so we can fly more auto missions
Better idea on how many auto missions we want to run to collect data
More predetermined waypoints at flight test
The first log we recorded on Pegasus didn't save, other two did just fine, not sure why
@Daniel Puratich Directing this section of flight test post mortem!
All of these major issues should be addressed via Root Cause Analysis Forms:
@Daniel Puratich Directing this section of flight test post mortem!