XFLR-5 can be downloaded here https://sourceforge.net/projects/xflr5/files/ . Windows and mac installers are available, need to build from source for Linux.
XFLR-5 has multiple options for airfoil/plane design. Use File->Wing and Plane design for more accurate behavior on how airfoils will behave, as the two-dimensional analysis will not take into consideration behavior at the tip of the wings.
Include wings and control surfaces, not fuselage
For a functional plane, the Cm (pitching moment) must be positive when alpha (angle of attack) is positive, otherwise the plane will be in a perpetual nosedive
Change the weight distribution
Simulation isn’t perfect and will not guarantee it won’t nosedive in real life
Stability analysis with xflr5 guide - http://www.xflr5.tech/docs/XFLR5_and_Stability_analysis.pdf
Figure out how much CL (coefficient of lift) is required to lift the plane, then determine the alpha (angle of attack) necessary
Turn off viscous in analysis->analysis. Using viscous will lead to your analysis never converging.
Current file: