2021-09-02 Agenda
Xierumeng: Any updates on geolocation?
Setting up dev environment again
Need to add Xierumeng as a collborator.
Plan: Start with an integration test that can go from beginning to end.
Next: Complete integration tests then refactor.
Need a test bench: bolt sensors onto something to get data.
Idea: Send down entire target database rather than just best guesses. Instead of trying to match targets and add votes, match targets, add votes, then insert original into database. Two stage database essentially. Send down data.
Andrew: Status on ground station.
Figuring out how to write unit tests for UI. Write controller level tests.
Need to add target map feature and target selection.
Onboarding: Golden and Abdullah
Project Onboarding
Kevin: Flight Controller communications
Justin: Refactoring task, Mapping (as time permits)
Mika: FramePreProcessing task
Action Items
Discuss test bench with mechanical
Update mapping architecture.