2024-02-05 AEAC Sync

2024-02-05 AEAC Sync



  • @Alison Thompson

  • @Evan Janakievski

  • @Sohee Yoon


  • @Jerry Tian

  • @Rayyan Mahmood

  • @Mena Azab (Deactivated)

  • @Parker Lawrence-Valeriani

  • @Nolan Haines

  • @Neel Patel

Embedded Flight Software:

  • @Derek Tang

  • @Hardy Yu

  • @Sam Zhang

  • @Yuchen Lin

  • @Ayush Ganguly


  • @Maxwell Lou

  • @Vibhinn Gautam

  • @Tong Zhang


  • @Georgia Westerlund


  • @Megan Spee


Flight test Recap



  • Flew pegasus successfully!

    • Gained efficiency data

      • results: efficiency was pretty close on all of them tbh

      • speed proportional in some sense to current draw ish…. meaning if we fly at 18 m/s the battery dies in 10 mins vs 8 m/s when batt dies in 30 min (not linear either but correlates to distance). So there’s not a real different in efficiency at different speeds.

      • since we have a 30 min flight window, flying at the speed 8 m/s for 30 mins is fine

      • We will want to test this further- didn’t actually accelerate to top speed in the 18-20 m/s sprints

        • didn’t do back AND forth

      • also will change when cabin weight + shrouds are complete, will test again

      • Peak efficiency for these motors → is better at lower throttle. So better to run these slower


  • new LTE issue on the drone

    • when it’s going very fast the LTE drops out and connects back ~ sometimes ~

    • working with autonomy to get a logging script on the LTE module

  • arm switch being hilarious (only working 1/3 times on average)


Propulsion + Control

Action items / blockers:

  • FTR for WVN






New ELRS Hardware Project

  • @Nolan Haines please do some research and put questions here to be addressed during the meeting, this meeting is a great time for integration discussions like this!

    • TABLED


6S ESC motor selection

Using table to determine current on the drone. - these motors are too large for houston.

this is something that can be used on houston (3S)

tabled for right now


what is the current: 50 amp.

  • keep at 50 amp - @Anthony Luo


we do need to buy more ESCs for houston


started a project - custom 6s ESC PCB

  • will table for this meeting, needs more project scope discussion before


Wind Estimation

  • Ardupilot feature to be enabled

logs analyzed in order to find propeller drag


  • Potential feature to be tested.

    • maybe useful based on cabin shape?

looking at way cabin is mounted: yeah its the cabin size

not super critical


Action items / blockers:




Houston Sensor Mounts

  • This is 1D lidar (rangefinder), op flow?

  • We will need to take the 1D lidar off pegasus in order to fly it on houston.

we do not need mount for 1D lidar for houston yet! - does not need to be on houston for this FT. Pegasus will have the 1D lidar.


Houston Sensor Harnessing

  • ^ see above.

Optical Flow (OFS)

same as pegasus harness


Houston Sensor Calibration

Specifically for houston

see if the issues with tuning pegasus are replicated on houston

~~ probably a few days before feb 10

  • to be assigned out in tomorrows meeting/ talked about/ during work session




Video System

Action items / blockers:

  • Tasks out in Asana to prep video system for FT this weekend.




VTX mount to be reviewed, forwards-facing camera mount ready to be printed.

  • printer small difficulty, print in RPC or something

feb 10!


we have a VTX mount

we have a camera mount


VTX harnessing

Same situation as opflow harnessing

just 3 wires

2nd from top drawer, yellow container, CADDX ? cameras.

  • just one for now, don’t worry about video muxing


RC Controller Mapping

  • 8 and 12 both have mode switching

  • pink controller has a new arm switch (SE)

    • not functioning that well

    • will fix

Ardupilot Mux Output Config

mix the video on the drone to get multiple camera angles

  • EFS flight test team thing

probably pretty easy (famous last words)

Ardupilot OSD Config

  • Confer with pilots on preferences.

if OSD can be configured, we can do it (“bit of a pain to configure”)

EFS flight test team things


LTE Video?

Possible / ready to FT early march?

to be discussed next meeting!

Command + Telem

Action items / blockers:

  • Case for gemini board

    • include positions, locations, facing-direction, any distances from specific other components, holes in cases, which parts need cooling, what cooling hardware we need, access to debug ports, weatherproofing requirements - done!:

    • Gemini Enclosure Requirements

    • CAD Files: ELRS Gemini TX




Case can be done this weekend, but is not required

(Gemini board)

3D files from EE (linked above)
Step file is here: https://github.com/UWARG/hardware/blob/master/Projects/ELRS%20Gemini%20TX/STEP_%5BNo%20Variations%5D%20for%20ELRS%20Gemini%20TX.PcbDoc.step


RFD Board

arriving later this week?



  • soldering 3 more xt30 connectors

    • can be done tomorrow

    • Will be ready for EFS to test after this


Gemini Enclosure Requirements

Fan is optional

Case can be done this weekend, but is not required


Gemini LinkStats

  • Gemini linkstats not being passed through to TX16? (Only relay linkstats)

no progress update so far - looking to assign this out, asana is updated

Improved Streaming

Not sure if this will be comp ready.

  • either this, or buying for xbees for the tracking antenna - @Anthony Luo

Tracking antenna only needs position message? @Nathan Green

Anything special when forwarding it (to 2 different recievers - ZP and tracking ant?) not sure if able to send to both, maybe need different packages?

  • usb to laptop to filter packages down to position

  • instead of fwd’ing from MP have groundside pretend to be another device and only request position.

  • either way need arduino on groundside.

does filtering need to be done on droneside? (@Xierumeng) no, only needs groundside. could probably build this into ELRS (built it into the radio) - @Anthony Luo


to follow up with auto/efs - @Anthony Luo

  • cool if someone can work on stripping out all message except position.

    • from transmission side.

    • output over USB of JUST position. @Nathan Green



  • LTE has been switched from Zerotier to a Mavlink forwarding server hosted on oracle cloud with a public IP.

  • GCS failsafe works now when any part of the link disconnects

  • LTE disconnects when flying at high speed.

    • This could be due to the antenna angle changing as the drone tilts, interference in the cell signal or USB cable caused by higher electrical noise when at higher throttle, or something else entirely.

    • It reconnects when the drone slows back down.

  • I (@Nathan Green ) added an extension cable to one of the antennas and mounted it on a landing leg to see if that improves the signal. It keeps the antenna away from sources of noise on the top of the drone and the plates won’t block it when angled.

    • Will test this next flight test.

  • Autonomy needs to make a script that logs LTE signal strength https://www.waveshare.net/w/upload/6/68/SIM7500_SIM7600_Series_AT_Command_Manual_V2.00.pdf (AT+CSQ) and operator (AT+COPS?) to a file for next flight test. This will help determine if it is an interferance issue, roaming issue, or something else. The modem could be trying to roam on another network and failing, and it would have to be forced to stay on one.

    • talked to @Maxwell Lou

    • would be nice to have “..to a file for next flight test. “ feb 10

script would run locally on Pi, log the commands from the modem to a text file.

Reach out to autonomy leads / in autonomy meeting about this. @Megan Spee

python script → output in serial →

Airframe - General

Action items / blockers:

  • Houston: New landing gear, takeoffs & Handling at different weights.


  • < Decision Documentation >



Cabin is constructed and mounted on the drone, flew and tuned with it on Saturday.



Houston landing gear request via @Anthony Luo from jan 29

  • couple times houston tips over when it lands

  • requesting landing capability while in ‘slight translational motion’


re-made old landing gear to function for flight test!


new landing gear:

has not happened yet

  • what flight weight does houston need to stay under?

    • @Megan Spee @Anthony Luo to find an answer (or do this properly)

    • either test this IRL or just pick a nice number


LED Board

  • @Parker Lawrence-Valeriani EFS handoff procedure?

    • this has been ordered (placed today)

  • Anything I can do to make the handoff easier?


EFS just needs to test, no special requests (see below)


LED Board Firmware

  • @Owen Grimm first the first prototype code for LED board

  • Waiting for leads to do the PR

  • Waiting for the chips to arrive to do bench test




Tracking Antenna - General

Action items / blockers:

  • Ground tests blocking tracking antenna flight test.

  • EFS going to procure GPSs

  • EE going to make a confluence doc yayyy


  • < Decision Documentation >


Tracking Antenna Mechanical

Parts have been ordered. Sheet metal has been cut and bent. Plan is to build one first and then build the other. On track.


Nucleo Shield

  • @Nolan Haines @Michael Botros Please update this document with status and your questions (they can be answered async, ik u guys have work lol)

  • Current status

    • Schematic done, board layout is close to being done.

    • There will be some changes to the overall board to make it smaller and more compact.

    • Currently rewriting all the documentation for the board for readability.

  • Questions:

Check mechanical’s documentation on tracking antenna before proceeding!

If questions are not answered please Check arch doc/ offline submit to mechanical

  • I basically wanna make sure tracking antenna PCB can support all of our ground station towers, is there a link or place with a list or block diagram of our different towers?

  • Will tracking antenna have enough and all the proper connectors to support different peripherals on the tower?

  • Currently for VTX tower, tracking antenna only supplies 12V power, is this all thats needed from tracking antenna or is more connectivity needed?



check again asynch - @Anthony Luo will look, wait until tomorrow 10 am approx



Arduino Tracking Antenna

  • @Ayoung Eun @Aryan Kashem did the ground test on Sunday I think

  • “The tracking antenna follows the altitude, failed to follow longitude and latitude

  • Action task : fix the starting angle so it isn’t getting predetermined and test latitude and longitude“


getting breakout boards to make GPS testing(?) easier


reason for lat/long not following:

  • code was getting GPS position immediately on boot and not continuously.

  • meant the data is kinda meaningless?

  • EFS to ‘wait for a certain # of satellites on the GPS before getting location’ / set amount of time


  • and antenna tracker needs to be powered from something other than USB - lack of current causing servo twitch




General Updates

  • Recent EE Board order W

Flight test schedule

Feb 10: 2024-02-10 Pegasus + Houston Flight Test - Flight Tests - WARG (atlassian.net)

  • Pegasus Video transmission solution (incl. tracking antenna if possible?)

  • OA/gemini on houston

  • bumped Houston transmitting LTE video.



Feb 4-9 may not be happening

  • supposed to be ground test

  • LTE for houston probably not working this week

  • tracking antenna already tested.

Will ask autonomy leads for clarity



Action Items





FIND PILOT (especially if on-stream in the summer )

  • will sponsor advanced rpas test (once) + ground school

thx for listen


tune into leads to talk about more pilot things




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