2024-03-25 AEAC Sync

2024-03-25 AEAC Sync



  • @Alison Thompson

  • @Smile Khatri


  • @Jerry Tian

Embedded Flight Software:

  • @Yuchen Lin

  • @Hardy Yu

  • @Ayush Ganguly


  • @Tong Zhang


  • @Georgia Westerlund


  • @Megan Spee

  • @Nathan Green


General updates


Propulsion + Control

Action items / blockers:



  • < Decision documentation >






Batteries were supposed to arrive today, if we don’t get them tomorrow I will follow up


LED board

follow up on this next week re: signal integrity

this week, fixing pinout on PCB


LED board

no update from last week


Action items / blockers:



  • < Decision Documentation >





Rangefinder Harness

  • did not work on this (mar 25)



  • @Ayush Ganguly @Manasva Katyal figure out how to get RTK fix from rtk GPS

  • are we using it for comp? - no


RTK not part of comp. it was an auxiliary task at last weekend’s flight test.

we were able to get ~ 8 satellites. It did go to RTK float (instead of fixed) after a little bit, after moving the ground antenna around on rover mode.




Video System

Action items / blockers:




  • phone mounting to top of drone (case printing @Nathan Green )

  • Do we have TPU filament? - it works in the bambu printer. Yes.


VTX Wiring

  • @Neel Patel shortened the harness

  • noise still there? - actually it wasn’t bad, there was less noise than last weekend.

  • looks fine now.

OSD did have issues still but it probably was due to channel conflict with the arm switch.





LTE Communication

Writing module to convert to JPEG now


Phone replacing the LTE hat? → @Nathan Green

  • samsung phone instead of LTE hat on the RPI. This might fix the LTE transmission dropouts. Don’t know what causes it - tried moving the antenna a lot, changing the frequencies.

    • ‘its a phone so it’s probably better at it'

    • anthony speculating about vibe being bad for the RPI telem LTE hat

    • also power dropouts: phone has internal battery, probably helpful

Command + Telem

Action items / blockers:



Gemini case

Up for review, review was sent this morning! will be printed following revision

Discord - Group Chat That’s All Fun & Games

Please read the design document in this thread! (if you are interested in the case)



XT30 arrived, will solder them on the board this week.

We want this for this weekend’s flight test (March 30th)


ELRS for comp

  • @Anthony Luo and @Derek Tang working on getting proper link stats by the end of this week

  • Looking to cleanup cleanup some loose ends soon(within 2-3 weeks?)

    • Are there transmission power requirements for EP and Gemini?

      • gemini should be at 1 W

      • TX16 at 10 mW

      • EP is locked telemetry power - also ~~ 1 mW

    • When do fans on the Gemini board start to run?

      • right away

    • Answer Qs above, dev, and test

@Yuchen Lin - is there a plan for testing this before the flight test?

  • only thing that’s changing is the configurations

  • not the firmware

  • so don’t really need to pre-flight check. Just will check it after setting, and good to go


  • No one currently working on LRS, probably not running this comp cycle



Changed the last command to be a land command. Should integrate pathing and auto landing script together.

  • Heard some discussion about using spline waypoints (not sure if it is for task 1 or task 2) that can be easily integrated on autonomy side (already have the module ready)

    • instead of hard turns (small radius default)

    • this was task 1

CONOPS specifies we need to be within 5 meter radius of each waypoint…

@Anthony Luo - splining would keep the drone where you want it

Airframe - General

Action items / blockers:

  • Waterproofing, new cabin, seats, cargo area


  • < Decision Documentation >


Pegasus 2.0

Mech due dates - mech timelines adjusted (in asana maybe)

  • next cabin design next wednesday

  • arm connectors for thursday

  • new landing gear prototyped this week

    • probably machined on wednesday

  • 6-7th april will assemble new cabin.

  • 8-11th april will get tubes/etc cut prior to exams, for peggy 2.

Before exams, peggy 2 should exist/ nearly exist. → beginning of next term is just testing! (will be handed off to EE to wire)

summer term starts May 6. We have 2-3 weeks of testing.


Peggy 1 cabin internals?

  • not going to be the same as peggy 2. (shape wise).

  • Only internals will be weights. not actual cabin things.

Peggy 2 cabin internals prioritized

  • they are cross compatible! hardcore working towards peggy 2 complete cabin, and can swap the cabin onto peggy 1 if it comes to it


  • Waterproofing - @Conall Kingshott plans to test/ figure something out.

  • are we hoping to have electronics covered all of the time or only if we need to? @Alison Thompson

    • we get points for a clean looking drone. want electronics covered regardless. @Anthony Luo

    • does not need to be the same as the waterproofing. easiest to be this way, though.

We got funding for vinyl latex (black) yayyyy

  • will order this @Alison Thompson

Does the waterproofing impact our access to drone ? @Anthony Luo

  • currently it is a sheet of latex over some standoffs.

  • nicest thing to do for the electronics is to tidy it up and not really need to touch it again. It is removeable if need be.

  • How to plug in the antispark with the waterproofing? @Yuchen Lin

    • maybe just make that stick out.

  • Also will be cutting some holes in it (for GPS….) or just making standoffs that are tall enough.

    • Maybe just lower the GPSs

    • Maybe move the antennas to not go on top of the drone

  • Following #discussion to see potential antennas(?) and/or where they should be placed.

Antennas probably moving to arms/ landing gear.

RFC if anything big changes.



Pegasus schematic cleaned up, comments left by Daniel were addressed. Mena will continue to update schematic with sensors.

  • ongoing: still moving things around. adding rangefinder, etc.

to be discussed in EE meeting (thursday 8pm)


houston harness cleanup

  • shortening the cables - probably won’t be done until after finals







Tracking Antenna - General

Action items / blockers:



  • < Decision Documentation >



  • Mounting improvements for stabilization almost complete. Need to double check measurements for yaw-servo dimensions with CAD. Going to order metal by either today or tomorrow.

  • May need help with machining this weekend as I need to head home. Will reach out to mechanical members shortly.

  • Assuming all goes, will be finished this weekend hopefully Saturday.


Question for EFS:
When will testing for the Yagi Antennas be ready?

  • haven’t been tested

  • it’s ok to just throw them on untested


custom PCB

needs to be reviewed

(Jerry is struggling to find time to review this gg)

Don’t think we’re going to use this for comp. @Jerry Tian

  • should focus on arduino antenna (row below).


Arduino antenna

@Nathan Green to order this soon after @Jerry Tian review


Arduino Tracking Antenna

  • Haven’t heard any updates…


  • port all electronics onto the yagi antenna. connect the omni and yagi to the MCU of the arduino.

  • need to test them, after getting gemini linkstats sorted


Current VTX tracking antenna tested or not.

  • it has been ground tested

  • @aryan testing this


@Nathan Green no video RSSI anywhere.

“didn’t look like it was breaking up” - about the video transmission.

Does SPI have RSSI? no

can we turn the VTX down? on peggy, we can turn the 1.3 GHz VTX down, and fly it smaller-scale to test impact.

  • this just tests the tracking antenna capabilities.




General Updates

  • @mech to run weights/ barbie equivalents in the cabin! @Smile Khatri @Alison Thompson

    • max weight of cargo - 500 g combined. barbies between 100-200 grams.

      • haven’t printed the internals (seats/ cargo bay)

      • will get an estimate sometime (not now)

    • pushing for seats and cargo bay for end of week

Batteries hopefully coming tomorrow

Advanced flight school - online section

  • complete by end of weekend


Likely not using 360 lidar OA at comp. it was jank on houston.

  • is there log data on the proximity sensor?

Flight test schedule

  • end-to-end test planned for this weekend. Might be scaled down a little.

    • biggest things are communication

      • LTE dropouts, run using phone

      • gemini updates, get link stats

      • checking GPS/ no GPS transitions. Ground testing with peggy instead, maybe.

      • VTX? if we can. push tracking antenna

don’t think we’re running auto landing at this flight test. Or in general….

  • points-based, probably not using auto land.


also pathing on peggy this weekend. Because we aren’t running auto landing, things might change. task 1.


for task 2 - want to stop short, have someone pilot the drone in on loiter.


Pilot cams will stay in this position. (moved to be grouped together on the body of peggy). @Nathan Green write about this.

If phone thing works, will RFC

Antenna thoughts? look in discord and ping anthony!





from last week

Want to run tests in as many conditions as possible.

  • hot weather

  • terrible weather

  • rain if waterproofing is working ok (kinda risky though)

  • comp sim where you simulate certain failures: LTE dropout, device failure, telem drop, etc. nail down all the contingency plans. break out the redundant systems

    • important to simulate this with flight line team.



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