Outdated: Pre-Flight Checklist

0. Collect Materials

1.Setup Groundstation (before radios on)

  • Git pull from all computers

    • Tracking Antenna

    • PicPilot

    • Ground Station

    • Data Relay

    • CV

  • Flash picpilot and tracking antenna

  • Setup power cords to power data relay, CV, and ground stationsme

  • Data-relay

    • screen command

    • python data-relay.py -l

    • Confirm ethernet connection to network switch

  • Tracking Antenna

    • Ensure battery connected(4-6 cells acceptable, but 5 cells ideal)

    • Verify Servos properly connected to gears

    • Turn on arduino and servos without antennas on to 0 servos

    • Put on antenna, tighten hex bolts on shaft
    • Verify GPS coordinates and rotation angle

    • Ethernet connected (check IP)

    • Connect Xbee using mini USB and USB extension

    • Connect DJI using HDMI to CV

  • Ground Station connected via ethernet

    • Confirm connection from data relay

  • Computer Vision connected

  • Mission Planner setup (quad)

2. Build Plane (before radios on)

  • Battery check (level)

  • Wings

  • Tail

    • Tightened hex screws?

    • Check PWM connection

  • Gimbal

3. Channel Configuration

  • Channel configuration check

  • PWM cable friction check

dragon link

Picpilot Inputs

Picpilot Outputs












L - Tail

L - Tail

L - Tail



R - Tail

R - Tail

R - Tail








Relay Switch










Nose Wheel(Get better PWM extension for this given time)

Relay Switch



4. Components in Plane (radio off)

  • Gimbal Control Board

    • check gopro battery levels
    • check sd card
    • verify gimbal is installed
    • verify light bridge is inside
    • insert fisheye gopro closer to hdmi
    • insert normal gopro
    • make sure fisheye gopro is connected to light bridge
  • IMU

    • mounted securely

    • connected to attitude
  • Xbee

  • PWM cables for wings
  • 2x 4 cell batteries

    • Connect in Y
    • Connect to ESC
  • 3 cell battery

    • Connect to power distrubution board
    • Do not turn on yet
  • Electronics plate
  • PicPilot

  • GPS

    • Check connection

  • Altimeter

  • Airspeed Sensor/pitot tube

  • 8 channel receiver (LEDs ON?)

5. Double Check connections (Radio on)

  • Turn on 3 cell battery

  • Pic Pilot I/O Connections to 8 Channel Receiver

  • GPS connected

    • LED off

      • LED blinking = searching for GPS

      • LED off = found GPS

  • IMU connected

  • Altimeter connected

  • DJI Lightbridge transmitters attached

  • HDMI cable connected from DJI to GoPro

  • Gimbal

    • Turn on gimbal switch

    • Wait for gimbal to level

    • Power cycle if needed

    • Turn on GoPros

    • Ensure that gopros are recording

      • fish eyed on video to light bridge

      • normal on high res picture (edit this)

    • Turn on light bridge switch

    • Turn on ground station light bridge
      • click and let go, then hold for 2 seconds
    • Gimbal calibration check - moving plane ensuring stability of GoPro?

    • Verify video feed to CV computer

  • Channel configuration check

    • Steve confirm all control surfaces and channels are configured correctly?

  • Range Check (For the first flight)

  • CG Check (Center of Gravity)

  • Stand clear

6. Autopilot Testing

  • GC arm vehicle

  • GC confirm nominal status (is everything running from a SW side on the GC?)

  • Data link connection

  • GPS and Altimeter data received and changing (not stuck on 1 value)?

  • IMU orientation

  • UHF status

  • Error codes (only brown out and power on should be active)

  • GC set autonomous level derivatives (CODE)

  • Switch to autopilot

  • Test directional derivative control

  • GC set autonomous level angles (CODE)

  • Test direction of angular control

  • Power off and add propeller

7. Flight line

  • Stand clear

  • Power on

  • Static throttle check (Is prop the right way?)

  • Control surface check

  • Network <go>?

  • TA <go>?

  • CV <go>?

  • HV <go>?

  • GC <go> (Check GPS, IMU, Altimeter, and Airspeed Data)

  • Pilot <go>?

  • Flight Director <go>?

  • Steve you are clear for take off

8. Mission

  • Â