Pre-Flight Test Safety Checklist
Pre-Flight Test Safety Checklist
Days/Weeks before the Flight Test
Flight Test is Announced
Flight Test Requested
Booking the Flight Ground
If not testing on a flight ground, make sure to find a legal flight place via Drone Pilot Canada
Flight Test Objectives are Clear
Come out with the Test Plan
The Day in Bay
Weather Condition Checking
Harnessing Checking
Flight Code Flashed
Use the washroom before heading out to the test-ground
Get Snacks
What to bring
Store the following items in the flight box which will be brought to the flight test
RC remotes
First-Aid Kit
Landing Pad
Land station / Laptop
Walkie Talkie
Other Specific Items from each Subteam
(Edit this section each time to serve different testing purposes)
On the Test Ground
Before the Test
Please refer to the Pre-Flight Inspection before every takeoff of the aircraft