Charge two (2) 6s batteries (green) and one (1) 2s battery
Verify integrity of Quad
Ensure all motors are mounted securely
Ensure rotor for each motor has no vertical movement
Ensure quad arms are rigid
Ensure FPV cameras are pointed in correct direction, and rigidly attached to the airframe. Point external FPV camera horizontal, internal FPV camera directly down.
Install electronics
Attach cc3d to the quad using velcro
Attach channels 1-4 to esc pwms, starting with the front left motor and moving clockwise
Attach orange rx to the quad using velcro
Attach channel 5 of the orange rx to pin 8 of the cc3d
Attach rssi pin of orange rx to power connector of the cc3d. This port has 3 pins, with ground facing outside of board.
Attach camera switch to quad using velcro
Connect FPV cameras to switch
Attach FPV camera to channel 6 on cc3d
Attach dji lightbridge air unit to quad using velcro
Connect cable from switch to lightbridge transmitter
Plug in batteries
Place quad upside down
Connect power squid xt30s to escs
Verify yellow tie downs are routed under aluminum extrusions attached to battery mounts
Insert both 6s green batteries inside bucket simultaneously and rotate to place in battery hooks
Twist yellow tie downs to secure batteries
Verify security of green batteries
Connect 2s battery to pwm cable for iris mech
Attach 2s battery to unlabelled acrylic plate using velcro
Mount electronics plates
Insert unlabelled acrylic plate into underside of bucket, with screws pointed towards electronics
Align bucket holes with angle bracket holes
Insert quick release pins to secure acrylic plate
Mount top plate
Flip quad over, with motors facing up
Place WARG labelled acrylic plate on top of bucket, routing antennas through holes in plate
Insert quick release pins in top of bucket to secure plate
Attach props
Tighten props using wrench until tight
Pull prop up. Ensure collet/prop does not move
Hold motor and attempt to rotate prop. Ensure prop does no spin.