LED Board Rev 4




LED Options

These two were selected as the primary candidates for the board as they’re commonly used and more powerful that the current implementation. They’re larger than the LEDs used in rev 3, however, the extra space is available. The need for extra power was needed as the LEDs in rev 3 weren’t bright enough. Ultimately, the SKC6812-RV was selected as the LED for this revision as it’s brighter than the WS2812B and costs a bit less.

The WS2812B operating at full power has an average brightness of 1285 mcd. While under the same conditions the SKC6812-RV has an average brightness of 1735 mcd. Furthermore, as the LEDs are the same size, the perceived brightness will be the same.

SKC6812-RV (1655)

1655 | DigiKey Electronics





Brighter on average than the WS2812B by ~35%

Larger than current implementation

Low cost; 0.70$ each on digikey (only purchased in strips of 10)

High current draw of ~60mA at maximum power. (Current implementation draws ~48mA)

Operate on the same logic level as the current implementation



WS2812B (COM-16347)

COM-16347 | DigiKey Electronics





We used it in revision 1 and it functioned well.

Larger than current implementation

Common for hobbyist projects and is known to be very bright

High current draw of ~60mA at maximum power. (Current implementation draws ~48mA)

Low cost; 0.93$ each on digikey