2024-11-28 Comp Arch Sync
@Daniel Puratich
I have a presentation for 20% of my grade (not throwable) in a course for the first 30 mins of this sync, will try to make it as soon as possible.
@Nathan Green driving meeting
@Smile Khatri
@Evan Janakievski
@Alison Thompson
@Andrew Chai
@Georgia Westerlund
@Megan Spee
@Meghan Dang
@Tim Gu
@Maxwell Lou
@Kenny Na
@Omer Sajid
@Anthony Luo
@Derek Tang
@Sohee Yoon
@Tochi Okoro
status of both task 2 solutions
will be done this weekend
Houston Motors status
Haven’t been ordered. Waiting for decision if we are switching to 6s or keeping 3s and what new form factor of motor should be
Will order Dshot ESCs too @Nathan Green
what is plan for making the system work next term?
what are min viable product milestones?
when do we want to deliver minimum viable system?
IR camera driver and detection almost merged in, 90% of the way there
IR camera settings: Max ISO is 64 and doesn’t look too grainy
MAVLink communication to ground is in progress
FTP has some hope (can see files, but need some more work on reading)
StatusText has been debugged and working (on sim)
Pegasus killswitch and UART setup complete (although killswitch not set on controller)
ssd status
done ee-wise - it worky :))))
We will probably validate some more next term so we have extras
make 3 more next
water controller status
assembled, validated, and tested, handed-off to mech
programming board
will be rlly useful for led board validation
will be assembled sometime before end of term - as soon as digikey components come in (likely tomorrow or monday)
No more bring up sessions this term - what has been done is where we are standing for this term
Ryan and Kenny still onsite and no finals if something urgent is needed
We plan to get our next board order out beginning of next term.
Comp relevant boards
Water controller rev2 is the main target here - one more channel for driving valve if needed
Question for mech - does it look like we are still gonna need this?
Pi interface rev C
board bring up plan for next term
Water controller rev2 when it comes in
LED controller rev 4 - didnt end up happening this term
Tracking Antenna Rev 2
6S Servo module rev 2
More Single servo drivers
video system wired yesterday
should be fine
ssd status
prototype working; see Discord - Group Chat That’s All Fun & Games
refinements to be done (code cleanup, documentation, etc.)
led boards
prototype working, see Discord - Group Chat That’s All Fun & Games
no CAN integration on the software side yet
Tracking Antenna @Omer Sajid
Works really well in the mission planner simulation
IRL yaw is somewhat tracking, pitch is not working
Still being worked on; team debugging today (28 November 2024)
One of two things is most likely the cause of the issue
Drone is giving bad data
Data isn’t being processed correctly
To debug, we took the raw UDP data from both the simulation and the drone testing, going to look over, see where the issue is.
Flight Testing
what are we flying this weekend?
Plan is only Pegasus as Houston motor issues and replacements have not been ordered
Daniel proposed not flying this weekend and waiting for Dec 14th flight test to test landing gear
Don’t fly this weekend, wait for the 14th
what needs to be done to be ready for mid december FT?
Water bucket design and implementation
directors should try to timeline next term with FTCs.
We should keep the testing program going leading up to comp.
Update all deadlines, add in new critical tasks
Comp Logistics
how will we transport drone?